I have an AMD setup that had been fine for the last 2 years or so but a few months back I upgraded to Win11 on a work boot drive and a boot drive for gaming. Both are NVMe SSDs.
About a month ago I had a few large CD ISO files go bad and had to download them again. Then a few weeks ago a number of VM files went missing and others were corrupted or 0 bytes. Out of 6 VMs only one showed up in VMware Workstation and had all the files but still would not boot. Luckily I'd just backed them up to the NAS.
I don't know if the RAM or CPU are having issues. I ran Prime95 for a few days with no errors. I ran the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool but not the extended test yet. It looks like I'd have to run it for a few days?
I'd not looked at motherboard firmware for some time and sure enough there was one for the Windows 11 and the AMD fTPM issue. After installing it the system seems a little more responsive. Maybe?
The second data loss and corruption was with the VMs files. On a Friday I backed them all up and then when I went to use it again on Monday files where missing and others corrupt.
About a month ago I upgraded from a 1.8TB SN850 to a 3.7TB SN850X. I've been using that Game boot drive for extra VM drive space with the 1.8TB and now the 3.7TB version.
It seems fine but the system seemed fine for the last 3 yeas.
On the one hand I feel like it could be the drives. There are a few folks that have had bad WD SN850 and SN850X drives. The SMART stats all look good but the older 2TB SN850 can no longer run the SMART test without failing but I'm no longer using it. The new 4TB SN850X can run both the long and short tests but it's the one with the file issues. Also, that same Monday the older Samsung work-only SSD that I had also upgraded to Win11 stopped booting into Windows. I can't repair it and it says there are no restore points. The Samsung software says there are no errors but they don't let you run a SMART test. I can mount the drive in another OS and read the files.
Random issues stink.
On this Saturday I got two new Samsung 990 Pro 1.8TB SSDs and installed Win11 from the MS created USB and all seemed ok until last night. I tried making an image to the NAS and the new Gaming-only SSD backed up fine but I'd only used it one day. The Work-only SSD showed an error and the Windows system image tool warns that you need to repair the drive before making the image.

Thinking of just buying new RAM in the hopes it is the issue. The last time I had a RAM issue it only showed up when doing large 60GB+ ISO creation of movies to the NAS. When I'd go to watch one there would be corruption randomly in the and it would fail a diff check when copied. All other RAM tests showed no issue but when I put in a spare single 8GB stick all was well.
Windows Build/Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.1555)