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Journeyman III

Warranty Claim ( I got blocked by the shop i bought it from)

Around a year ago i bought a pc with a Radeon 6600 gpu from shop. About a week ago i started having issues with the pc and i went to a pc repair shop, they diagnoised that the issue was with my motherboard and my gpu, i decided to get the motherboard replaced but i was looking to see if i could issue a warranty claim on the gpu since there is no physical damage on it. I messaged the shop and asked if it was possible for me to claim warranty for this product but the shop ended up blocking me. Now that i think about it, they said they were going to send me a receipt to my email but i never received one and i only have chatlogs between us that shows that i paid for the pc, if i cant prove that i bought the pc from them is there another way i can file for a warranty claim?

1 Reply

First without a valid Retail receipt showing you as the original owner will be difficult to get Warranty services unless they don't require a receipt and just goes by your GPU or Pre-built PC Serial Number.

Second since the GPU came preinstalled on a Retailed PC you need to go through the Manufacturer of your PC Warranty.

All hardware inside a Pre-built PC is covered by the Manufacturer of the PC. Most likely you have a one year Warranty depending on the manufacturer.

You can open a Warranty ticket with the PC Manufacturer and see what they say.

If you live in the EU you have automatically a 2 year Warranty from the Retailer that they must comply with under EU Consumer laws.

That shop doesn't seem to be very reputable. I would check to see what Government Consumer department there is in your area that applies to Retail Shops and file a complaint if they refuse to help you with your Warranty claim.