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General Discussions

Journeyman III

W8100 displaying to 4 x projectors DP over fiber Tx-Rx, Res 1920x1200@60 Source Issues. Maybe EDID orr???

Doesn't always provide source to the proj, on PC boot up. Display settings show all displays and at right res, but on projector side Source is not detected. First PC boot up only 1x projector gets source detected.  Restart of PC 3x projectors get source. It's random all the time and always different never all 4. Driver V16.2 on WIN 8.1  WHERE DO I START TO NARROW MY PROBLEM?

2 Replies

I can't give you really ANY specific help as I don't have much of any experience with the what you have going on. I can however tell you that if it is an issue with drivers. You won't likely find resolution on that OS. AMD does no longer support Windows 8.1. You would need to update to Win 10 or back to Win 7 for current drivers.

I am not saying that that your issue is driver related either. I don't know enough about the hardware situation you have going on to offer good advice.

Hopefully someone with better knowledge will reply too.

Good Luck!

This is the last driver for the Firepro w8100 for Windows 8.1:  Workstation .

Find out if your Workstation has a new BIOS or CHIPSET update. That sometimes helps with AMD Drivers to install and work correctly. Also Windows 8.1 must be fully updated via Windows Update.

Here is a partial copy of the above link:

AMD FirePro and Radeon Pro Software

Windows ​8.1 64-bit​

Pro Driver

Radeon Pro Software Enterprise618 MB17.Q3.19/19/2017*DOWNLOAD