Good morning,
Im currently using 2 SFP transceivers (10G-DWDM25-ER-SO) and thus 2 channels with the UltraScale FPGAs Transceivers Wizard (GTH IP Core). I want to send the same data through both transceivers and also receive the same data at the same time. Right now I input the same data to both transmitters, which then gets passed on to wire [63:0] gtwiz_userdata_tx_int;. When I look at the data I receive I can see that first of all, the receivers do not get the same data as my input, in this case my code word "0F1E 2D3C" followed by my value "5555 5555". In order to retrieve the correct data I already have to implement a bit shifter at my receiver side.

Additionally, both receivers receive different values - in this case Rx1: "5555 543C" and Rx2: "1E3C 2AAA". I now want to first ensure that both receivers measure the same data and then if possible also match the receivers clock to the transmitters clock so that it samples at the correct time and thus I dont need to implement my own bitshifter. I already had a try with modifying the ports of the TX Phase Interpolator but this did not change the readings of my receivers. (Page 164)
How should I delay or change my transmitters such that at the end of the both fibers the same data reaches my receivers?
Thanks in advance and for your support
Kind regards,