It was when I first played Ark Survival Evolved back in its early access days.
I had taken a few days off work for an extended weekend.
I had a nice base set up and several tamed dinosaurs.
Well the actual weekend came up and I was playing some Ark. When I hear the wife say from the living room "Oh my god are you serious". shortly followed by her standing in the doorway of the gaming room saying "What is wrong with your a**"? I was momentarily confused until one of my dinos took a dump right next to my character. Thats when she came over and said "Thats disgusting I wanna play too". Well I already had the game installed on her PC and she joined my tribe. We tamed a T Rex for her and I named it Richard. She loved riding Richard.
She never got why giggled when she would say she loved riding Richard. She still doesn't know the shortened name form of Richard is.