I have been " trying " to look things over on your web site and your support and find that it all has at least for me could have been done in a style that makes it ease to find things it's not a game. My time when not playing is importin to me. This is a commend problem I have found with almost all the site with gamming as there main theme. It's not a hard thing to just put in a few arrows might help. High Light ware things like after making short cuts to a main download listing, It helps in sales if one is looking to buy new and builds some new gamming monsters if they feel like they could find there way in the dark like if it felt like being at home. I like AMD is this something your playing on or is going to be every time I have to spend time just getting to know you. If that is the case, I will start looking for " a tin can to look up places that I can find ware to look ware you hide your things ". If that made sense to you that maybe why your pages don't work, only my opinion. Hope this opens your eye a like from a new comers eyes. BUT you have one thing I do like , that is product. Ahoydips