Just reading reviews... and it seems that the 6000 series only has the 5700xt beat with 8 more gigs and raytracing.... what else?
Because I'm in the process of building/rebuilding. and don't know if i should wait or go with the 5700xt.
if its "worth" to you or not depends on from where you upgrade .... it might not be "worth" it for someone coming from a 2080Ti with the inflated dream prices for someone - for me the card at MSRP was worth it coming from a GTX680 😄 😄
But the card is really NOT available at MSRP. This is a gamer that AMD and Nvidia are both playing, knowing the price they are charging AIB partners for the gpu is not profitable for them at $650 for 6800 XT . So if you look at prices from these partners, their MSRP is a hefty $800 with minimal improvement in power design and cooling , and performance for the premium of an additional $150. AMD is in fact colluding with AIB partners by stopping production in January of the small amount of reference cards they are bringing to market. So this is really bait and switch . It is a clear act of anti-competitive action by AMD in violation of anti-trust laws. They know they will get away with it because the Justice Department for the past 20 years has rarely enforced these laws that were designed to protect the public from predatory practices of corporations. We live under a corrupt capitalist state that works hand and glove with Wall Street to hep maximize their profits and reduce the rights of the public (working class) to protection from coercive behavior of corporations. We need a class action lawsuit charging AMD and Nvidia of these coercive anti-competitive behaviors and seeking monetary redress of for damage to the public. My email is imwechs@@verizon.net . Please notify me if you have an interest in pursuing this matter.
the cards are a huge jump in Performance - but also the price isnt that great...
i will buy my RX6800XT maybe in April-May 2021 - i hope i get one for around 500eur then (or a RX6800 for 400eur)
I too, will wait now. I'm not giving anybody more than $50 above MSRP for any card...neither Nvidia's or AMD's AIBs. It is not worth it for me to spend $161 above MSRP for marginally better cooling... a single digit fps increase... a fancy backplate... some RGB lighting and in some cases inferior components (fans, chokes, capacitors, etc...). It is really a shame, as I was very optimistic about purchasing my first AMD card in years...a reference RX-6800XT.
Keep waiting. AMD and its partners will find a way to keep those prices inflated as
@apc900 wrote:I too, will wait now. I'm not giving anybody more than $50 above MSRP for any card...neither Nvidia's or AMD's AIBs. It is not worth it for me to spend $161 above MSRP for marginally better cooling... a single digit fps increase... a fancy backplate... some RGB lighting and in some cases inferior components (fans, chokes, capacitors, etc...). It is really a shame, as I was very optimistic about purchasing my first AMD card in years...a reference RX-6800XT.
AMD and its AIB partners will find a way to keep those prices inflated as
long as the demand is there.
Then I guess I won't be getting a new AMD card...or any card for that matter. It's about principal. I will not over-pay...not scalpers, not AIBs and certainly not manufacturers. I'll redirect my time and money to other hobbies. I like cars and karting. I'll spend it there instead.
Supply and demand. These companies are not public utilities. Don't confuse "needs" with "wants". They are charging what they think consumers will pay. If the price is too high for you, don't buy. When/if they are left with enough unsold inventory, the price will adjust down. No one is harmed; just disappointed in the short term. You are not entitled to these products at any particular price.
@BenAround wrote:Supply and demand. These companies are not public utilities. Don't confuse "needs" with "wants". They are charging what they think consumers will pay. If the price is too high for you, don't buy. When/if they are left with enough unsold inventory, the price will adjust down. No one is harmed; just disappointed in the short term. You are not entitled to these products at any particular price.
Addressing the idea of need and want. The idea of want only holds if you have a card right now. What about those who had a card die and NEED to buy a new one? I would argue that gaming right now for a lot of people is actually a need as it is the only outlet that allows escape for many of us who are trapped in our own homes because of covid. It is quite literally needed for better mental health.
That being said the undeniable true need. Those who earn their living with their computer. Many of them have components die and need replacements. Many are even just now being forced home. My business for instance is considered essential and back in the first lock down we did not send many home. However in that time we have beefed up our ability to allow work from home. Much of that depends on being able top get a decent graphics card. One could say the new cards are not needed if a decent supply of last gen was available but it isn't either.
So while I agree with you that many do fall into the category of want. Plenty do fall into the category of need too.
Aside from price and quasi-corrupt business practices going on, you say you're "in process" of building a rig. That means you want to know if to continue or wait. Depends if time is on your side. As far as performance and ray tracing go, you're correct. Grab the RX 5700 XT but do consider the RX 5600 XT ( a decent brand like Gigabyte, XFX, Asus, Power Color in either card) if 4K FPS over 60 on "High" settings is what you want.
I play in 1080p, so the Gigabyte RX 5600 XT fits fine and keeps up with the 5700 XT enough I wouldn't see the difference. At around $279 vs. $450+ for 2 more GB which I've yet to saturate my 6GB, the main difference would be cost, more heat, more power consumption, but higher memory bandwidth of 256 vs. 196 for 10 FPS in some games. I have a 3600X CPU too, so I'd be more inclined to a 5700 XT if I ran a 3700X-3900X. Even then at 1080p there's not much to gain in the FPS area.