Well, not quite the same issue, but I spent *two* days, yes two days, trying to register for access to this community.
I must have tried at least 50 times, and used three browsers. That on a laptop. The problem seems to be the absurd jiveon system with its ridiculous entanglement with a vast number of third parties. An example of how not to write software.
I failed with Firefox and Palemoon: obviously I run Noscript on both of those, and I had to enable a myriad of dubious 3rd
party scripts to get anywhere. A major problem was lack of any feedback on failures. The CAPTCHA's were quite impossible to decipher in 95% cases, and so I had to resort to the audio in most cases. Of course, the audio player was peculiar and again required a variety of contortions to get working. What ever happened to simplicity 🙂
I eventually managed to register using a relativity obscure browser: Falkon. I was surprised that it worked.
I hope this will help other trying to register, but it seems unlikely that they would see this message in time.
It is worrying that AMD should be using such a poor badly designed over complicated system.