I have a Radeon RX 5700 XT and I cannot believe it should take someone one hours and still not find out how to set up custom Eyefinity displays. I am looking for some help setting up the Eyefinity displays, through the software, in a custom group. I have a 6 monitor setup three on top and three on bottom. I was able to once, by actually unplugging the monitors on top from the graphics card, get the bottom three monitors to eyefinity as one display, then the three on top as normal extended displays. Can anyone help me figure out how to keep Eyefinity from using every single monitor I have connected to make one enormous display? I have looked and looked, I have tried telling windows to disable the displays, I have went into computer management to disable the displays, but every time I tell Eyefinity to set its self up, it uses every monitor connected. This is rather frustrating as I do not want all my screens as part of the setup, just 3 and I do not know how to do that without taring apart my setup first. Thanks in advance to anyone that may be able to assist.