hello, I have also had exactly the same problem at this time, it started happening to me once I was in the Microsoft Edge browser and out of nowhere it stuck and the black screen was set, then it returned to normal and after a few minutes the screen went black randomly even without doing anything, I updated the drivers and the problem persisted, there were times when sometimes the image was distorted, some time ago this problem happened to me and my solutions I did were only temporary, I reset my entire SSD and reinstalled Windows 11, but this solution did not last long after I changed from HDMI to a better version and this solution was only temporary.
Honestly I did tests on my ssd unit, my ram memory and also stress tests on my ryzen 5 8600g processor since I do not have a graphics card but none of these components had problems, I do not even have overheating problems and I assembled my equipment 6 months ago
In conclusion, I think it is a software problem with incompatibility of some programs, but you should try on another screen if this problem happens to you or also lowering the hz of the monitor to 60hz in case you use a high rate of soda monitor and see if the problem persists, but since this error is random it would be best to download an older version of the amd adrenaline driver to test if it is A software issue and you could reinstall Windows from Settings and not format Windows
I am trying right now to lower the Hz of the monitor and at the moment it is working I have not had any image distortion and no black screen, it should be clarified that this is not a solution at all since this could be a problem of the monitor or in the same way the HDMI or in the worst case the motherboard
Try these possible solutions and tell me your experience, more than anything in your case try an older version of AMD Adrenalina since from there faith where your problem arose as you explain in your comment