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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Problem with my Rx 570 Series, Color screen crashing.


Hello everyone, I recently bought an Rx 570 series, I installed all its drivers up to date and I wanted to start some games, it doesn't take more than 30 minutes of play and the screen crashes in a static color, the keyboard the same, and the only option To move forward is to restart the computer. The colors usually vary between orange, gray, white and all that remains is to restart.

I kept alert to the temperatures and everything is fine, they don't exceed 60° in gaming, in everyday tasks it stays between 40 and 45°, the crash only happens when I start games that require certain graphics not even that high.

I tried reinstalling windows, drivers, measured the temperature, cleaned the graphics card, configured the AMD Software for better performance and nothing has worked, it keeps crashing

If anyone knows a solution to this problem, it could help me a lot. The problem always occurs after 30-50 minutes of play, sometimes less. During that time the temperature always remains well between 60°. Thanks for reading.


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