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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Pc Start

Hi Leute 

wenn ich mein PC starte , laufen alle Lüfter nach ca 2-5 sec ist er wieder aus . Startet aber ohne , das ich was mache nach ca 2 sec wieder und fährt korrekt hoch ohne probleme . Woran kann das liegen ?

meine vermutung ist es , das es am Netzteil liegt....

.... danke schon mal für die antwoten....

3 Replies

When I start my PC, all the fans run after about 2-5 seconds and they turn off again. But without me doing anything, it starts again after about 2 seconds and starts up correctly without any problems. What can be the reason?

My guess is that it's the power supply...

.... thanks in advance for the answer ....



Unfortunately the people on the forums cannot read minds

You don't give any information, eg...

  • PC Specs
  • What fans are turning off exactly
  • Anything else turning off
  • What have you tried

Could be multiple things so you need to give info in order for people to try help


Volunteer Moderator

You are likely using the motherboard to control the fan speeds.  My main computer runs the fans briefly a few times during the boot process into Windows 11 and then they slow down.  I believe fan profiles should be available to you in your motherboard BIOS settings, so start by looking there.  Also, make sure your CPU fan is plugged into the CPU fan header on the motherboard, and that other fans in your case are plugged into the CHASSIS fan headers of the motherboard.

What is your video card doing while the other fans are spinning up and down?  Are the video card fans spinning in a similar way?

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

When you first power on the PC BIOS goes through POST.

During POST it checks all the hardware connected to your Motherboard which is why all the fans like on the GPU will run for a second or two and then shut off if it has Zero RPM feature.

But the Computer case and CPU Cooler fans should be running all the time from when power is first applied up to when it boots into Windows.

If all the fans stop for a second or two including the CPU Cooler and Computer case fan before booting up into Windows might indicate a PSU issue or loose Motherboard power connection or possibly a defective Motherboard.

As previous mentioned to get a better idea of what your problem might involve you need to give your Computer information including Make & Models and Windows and BIOS versions installed.