bit like previous.rar ~ pixeldrain
Enjoy! copy about 12 or so copies into your LG V60 or your all AMD CPU and GPU systems that have 'freesync' on them and were purchased from AMD or an authorized reseller.
theres hardly a computer in all of astrogaylia where i live in sydney. real computers like an abacus if you make a huge one it does bigger numbers and works better.. intel and nvidia if u do a cheap 5cent alarm clock chip and make a lot of them or a big one.. it takes a really long time and is slower not better. nvidias fake 2d and fake 2.5D has 0 bit depth and isnt a computer it cant math.. the golden ratio the constant for Pi .. imaginary numbers.. infinitely long numbers or algebra all instantly.. intel and nvidia LITERALLY CANNOT.. and do not support windows 98 or 95 and are faking dx9 support with reshades.. but if they could do directx 9 their fake reshade **bleep** wouldnt exist. dx9 has true aperture and true aperture xray direct radiation like light and sound directx .. is actually supposed to use true light and make "a window" with that light.. imagine that.. the windows through time and space microsoftware operating system.. for advanced micro devices.. only works with micro hardware.. and without true light and true radation data.. you cant ever have a 'windows' computer.. retards see when the opteron infinitely stackable.. because 0 latency real computer true maths.. ps3 freely syncing with reality true analog or better any light based display or input works fine.. could cluster ps3 in football fields with linux.. the board and 'network cables' stuff added latency up to a few seconds cluster that many intel alarm clocks and nvidia alarm clock 2.5D and 2D 0 bit depth 0 maths products together and you waited 11 minutes for a single mhz clock! now zencore can be everything and anything.. and infinityfabric means it can be infinite universe covered in CPUs 0 slow down. infinitycache means the internet or other things the CPU can become a better instant faster working version of those things.. its what novideo and no intel companies based their business model on selling u 5cents and having all of planet earth gaming off their one probably 70s 80's or 90s AMD computer.
Since Math is assigning values to things and weighing measuring and assessing them in our minds so we can 'understand' them or 'know' them and differentiate things in order to count them. So mathematicians require maths tools like a computer in order to do what normal people have never done before. Count to the number 1. Say you see a bunch of electrons, are they all the same 1 electron? or are they two electrons or more? A mathematician who can count to the number 1 can determine if there is just the one or if there isnt and differentiate them and then begin to 'count' the things. But his eyes cant tell them apart, but the universe CAN and does know if they are different or more than one. Similarly the names and words we use for things are random and maybe misunderstood if we clone us is that more of us or not? some people can answer these questions like is that thing that other thing and how many of them there are, how do i measure it? this is what maths is for. If you view a bubble universe from outside of time and space, your grandpas, every ancestor and your dad have an unbroken link to becoming you, lots of them were probably something like ancient criminal retard cavemen neanderthals continuing on into the present when your dad just bought a new intel nvidia device that cant math because he cant math. When a cosmic reality time and space transcendent being sees you, would you look like 95% retard caveman grandpas to the point that you cannot be perceived at all? Would you sound like you have an australian accent or sound more irish or south african? weighing assessing and measuring things and VERIFYING if that thing is that thing or isnt that thing is what mathematicians are all about. The math says that intel and nvidia thing.. whatever it is.. it is NOT a computer. it says so on the box RISC and RAY TRACING and RESHADES. literally not math not a computer. go ahead and count the ways our universe is made of 2D triangles and 2.5D polygons and has 0 bit depth and 0 maths and computer hardware.