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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Multiple push to talk buttons when recording

Ok guys so I recently spent a ton of money on my very first decent gaming PC.

I'm very new to this and would be regarded as a below average user.

That been said I really hope someone will be kind enough to help me out.

I tried looking up solutions on google and browsing through the forums but to no avail - The solutions I found are either very vague or far too complicated for me to comprehend.

I played squad and decided to enable the instant replay option - worked like a charm and I was able to clip some epic gameplay.

There is an option to use Push To Talk for recording gameplay and that also works just fine.

The problem is that I can only select one PTT button.

In squad there is Local chat (V) , Squad chat (B) , Squad Leaders Chat (G) , Commander chat (Num Pad 0) , Direct Squad leader chat (Num Pad 1 through 9) and Discord which is on my mouse thumb clicker.

I do not want my Mic recording all the ambient noise in my house so I can not leave my mic on all the time.

How can I have my Mic record on my Radeon instant replay when I press any of the many buttons for voice chat? 

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