The article doesn't say the last part, that's me, because really why would you when AMD has, at the same $86 and $64 price ranges, the Ryzen 3 1200 which is a 4C/4T CPU, for $4 more than the G5600, and the Athlon 200GE, for $4 less than the G5400, so why would you buy the Intel models?
- Both Intel models have their GPUs disabled, and with neither AMD nor nVidia catering to the dirt cheap market (remember the HD 5450? Dirt cheap, basic, great emergency card and card for office uses and such), the $4 cheaper Athlon 200GE already adds another $50+ of value.
- Both Intel models have faster clock speeds, but in the markets these things are targeting, will that really matter? The 200GE and Ryzen 1200 have proven themselves to be capable at the tasks they're targeted at, and the people who will be using these are not people who demand top performance. Yes UserBenchmark shows the 200GE to be 36% slower and Ryzen 1200 17% slower mixed single core compared to the G5600, but it's effectively half the price, and if you're pairing this up with a low end SSD or HDD, your bottleneck isn't really going to be the processor.
- Intel axes capabilities on their lower end processors, especially when it comes to connectivity, while AMD doesn't. For example, the cheapest AMD motherboard right now, ASRock B350 Prom, sports an M.2 slot, so you can easily add a M.2 WiFi card.
- Both AMD models feature unlocked multipliers (Ryzen by design, Athlon thanks to crafty motherboard partners), and with both fairly easily overclocked, the performance difference between the AMD and Intel models disappears.,38643.html