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Journeyman III

I suffer from constant frame drops

Hello, for a Little less than a week I have been having problems with fps drops that occurred suddenly, in basic games like (Rec Room) even in games that are already more complex like (PUBG), these drops are completely unbearable to the point of reducing the frames from 1 fps to a maximum of 8 during an average period of 15 seconds, the curious thing is that neither the disk, SSD nor the HDD are saturated, what happens is even more strange since the electric current decreases therefore all kinds of consumption decreases, and the temperatures are very good with a maximum of 122 ° F, I do not use any type of overclock and I have not used it either, I have also followed the steps of Microsoft support but I still do not get the solution to the problem, so far what most worries me It says that the problem could be the power supply, since it is a generic 600w,my components are: Ryzen 3 3200g,16GB RAM 3200MHz,A320m Pro Max MSI,SSD 256GB and HDD 2TB

This is the video of how a drop happens in PUBG, happening almost every minute

I also have a couple of images that show in detail the metrics of the pc during a drop

This is the image of a fps dropThis is the image of a fps dropIn this image we can see how the PC recovers from the dropIn this image we can see how the PC recovers from the dropIn this image we can see the metrics of the msi afterburner, during a normal process without any type of frame dropIn this image we can see the metrics of the msi afterburner, during a normal process without any type of frame dropAnd here we can see a drop in the metrics of the msi afterburner, in the game elite dangerous odysseyAnd here we can see a drop in the metrics of the msi afterburner, in the game elite dangerous odyssey

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Journeyman III
