This website offers some good Troubleshooting tips on how to resolve your error. Just follow the ones you haven't done yet. By the way, DON'T download their recommended software. It is trash (Reimage Plus).
Try running Windows Desktop in a Clean environment. This will just run all Microsoft files and programs only while disabling all 3rd party software.
If by running in a Clean Windows Desktop your errors stops, than it is a 3rd party software causing the problem. You can enable one 3rd party software at a time until you get the error again. than you will know which program is causing the issue. I mentioned this because I read 3rd party software can cause this error. This is just to eliminate that reason for your error.
Here is how to enter a clean windows desktop: .
Also if you have a chance, download and post your DXDIAG saved file. That sometimes gives indications of what software or files are having problems.