It was my fault for waking up at 5am and going to bestbuy/newegg/bh photo first. I got to the amd website at 6:04 PST and waited in line. The 7900 xtx is sold out. I waited 30min in line thinking I was going to get it and it's sold out. So very disappointing, looks like I will just have to go back looking at a 4080/4090. I really wanted to try amd this generation.
I got in the store line just for fun to see what was left and they only had the overpriced xt in stock when I got there.
It was kind of to be expected
What happens next is, either there will be GPUs available at prices you are willing to buy, or not...
I hope prices will remain reasonable as I did not and will not pay scalper prices.
Nvidia 4090 sale was similar, they were gone in less than 4 minutes.
I also really wanted to try the 7900 series, and did get in the virtual queue but no XTX by the time they let me in.
I do not really understand the reason behind these disappointing sale events - they just provide frustration to the community. (I know shortage, scalpers, etc., but still by the 21st century this should not be like this)
There were still XTXs for almost 10 minutes after I got in very quickly.
The add to cart button didn't work on that or anything else, so I couldn't actually purchase one.
They were sold out everywhere else by the time I was finished being mildly disappointed, but it didn't matter because I don't particularly want one of the extra-gigantic 3-power-connector 3rd party cards since I never overclock these things.
Checked on computer later and couldn't add anything to cart there either, firefox console shows a bunch of AJAX errors.
So I got the fun of actually being one of the "lucky few" who saw them in stock and couldn't buy one because AMD can't make a functioning store front. I'll see you in 2 years when they're $600.
HONEST? 2022 and still no solution against scalper bots. I puke in the triangle. need a GPU and everything and everywhere sold out in seconds. **bleep** off, sorry but this just sucks!
There are some available at but they refuse to accept anything else than a german address.
I try not to say anything about German "quality" these days, so... let's just leave it there.
I don’t know what the answer is, but this is not it.
Scalpers are mad as they can't sell their 4080's, so now they try this and hope it will boost the sales of 4080's as well since people can't get these.
Once again, I won't be paying scalper prices, but as always, many will and prices can hike again 😞
I refused to pay scalpers for my first 5950 and 6800. But it took constant stock monitoring for months untill I got lucky. I was hoping that this circus could have been avoided this time around. I assume nvedia/amd/Intel have pretty accurate anticipated sales figures. It’s disappointing that they would amp up a release to a product they know they don’t have enough of. Lol, I got a big 7000 series release email AFTER everything sold out. I guess, just my opinion, that it would be better to delay launch then to piss off a bunch (typically the most loyal) of enthusiasts.
ahahaha they can rot in hell. I predict they'll still have them in ten years time. You heard it here first.
So Overclockers UK appear to be lacking in integrity when it comes to sales.
I had an order accepted (7900XTX) within 15 minutes of sales going live, had my payment accepted and 5 minutes later received confirmation of my purchase.
Chased this 4 hours later as I hadn't received a dispatch notice....oh yeah, they also charged me for next day dispatch and the order was hours before their daily cut-off.
Turns out they sold a unit they don't actually have and aren't looking to get any more for some time. To say I'm pissed off would be an understatement. Overlockers UK just lost a customer for life.
Well as an update, to OCUK credit, they reached out to confirm they have managed to secure a further 40 to 50 XTX for delivery next week and I did order early enough after they ran out to be eligible for one. Fingers crossed I 'may' bet one next week after all rather than the new year
Yeah, I'm just so over it all....far as I can tell both these big companies can shove it. I was online...waited... nothing available. Guess I should have been spamming refresh while on the page instead of waiting till the time of release. Glad I wasted my morning getting up early.
I have a nice system I built around AMD because I was done with Intel and NVIDIA. Just another let down by a company making promises to consumers.
Here's what was waiting on a AMD card to be a complete AMD build...even did a red them as a FU to team green and blue. Think I'm angry enough to smash this thing with a hammer, grab my trust old Z390 with the i7 8086K that would OC to a 5.0 all core on 1.27mv and ran cooler than any AMD chip I have tried. Then I'll just keep rocking the RTX 2080Ti till a game comes along that needs more than that...
Yeah I've been using a gtx1080 for 6 years. I just built a new system with top end gear (besides gpu). It's times like this that make me question the market. I don't want to be part of the hype and fomo. The perceived scarcity. I'm tired of wasting my time to "try and get a gpu" for msrp. At this point I will just stop pc gaming if this is how the market will continue. There is an easy solution to this problem. One gpu per person or one gpu per mailing address. Everyone signs up before release. No trickling out GPUS have two big releases. First release releases 20-30% of stock. Second release is the next day and releases most of the remainder of stock. Have big drops every month instead of trickling out supplies that get eaten up by bots. Retailers also need to communicate about drop times. I didn't know best buy wasn't selling most of their inventory this morning.
Also, this really makes me upset....
I had a chance to buy one but the website I was trying to buy from kept glitching so I couldn't complete the purchase. The next I tried it was sold out.
7900xt non xtx just showed up in stock...I got an 6950xt XFX Zero with EK waterblock on sale for less... I'll go one generation back from now on.
I actually managed to get a 4090 for msrp! It's been a long time coming. I will no longer need the 7900 xtx.