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General Discussions

Journeyman III

High temperatures on video playback (Youtube) solved by changing ANGLE graphics backend. (RX 6900XT)

Newly bought RX 6900XT had temperature rising problems on the AMD Adrenaline Driver 23.5.2 whenever I watched Youtube, causing temperatures to raise as high as 66+ making fans start/stop frequently even by watching a 1080p with Hardware Acceleration enabled on any browser (Tried Firefox, Opera, Edge, Chromium, Brave, same Issue on all of them), perhaps it had something to do with VRAM memory clock being bugged and maxing out on browser video playback?

After digging up a little bit, I found that by changing the  ANGLE graphics backend from D3D11 to either OpenGL Or D3D9 solved this issue. (Works for both Firefox and Chrome-based browsers.)




After using OpenGL for a day, I noticed some bugs like the YouTube video window flickering whenever I tried to enter full-screen mode or exiting it, so I changed to D3D9 which has been working flawlessly.


Question is, why does changing from D3D11 to either OpenGL or D3D9 fixes this problem?

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