I'm putting this in General Discussions, although it may possibly be a Drivers problem. I just don't know.
I had been trying to record and livestream on Radeon 20.6.1
My software reported being up to date. My complaint was that whenever I tried to record I got a message saying record was disabled due to protected content. This was on any content.
Well, Support asked me to run dxdiag. I did and sent them the full report. They came back with instructions to do an uninstallation of the graphics driver using DDU, and then clean re-installation of AMD Driver version 20.8.1. Those instructions were extensive and detailed, including making a restore point, disabling windows auto update and windows update medic services, starting up in safe mode, on and on. I had problems along the way and Support guided me on every step to get to the final success of the reinstallation of 20.8.1.
I was then able to record without that annoying message. I did have some questions on precisely how I could record what I wanted - a main window of vscode running where I highlight, explain, and edit some React JavaScript with a small video camera insert window pointing at me located in the lower right hand corner of the recorded screen. I wanted to be able to disable the camera or move it in the case it was blocking part of the coding screen. You've all seen such recordings.
Maybe Radeon just doesn't have the features to do what I want. That's a possibility. So the Support response to me now are suggestions to essentially do what I did before all over again (with the exception of the DDU graphics driver uninstallation). Where they had led me to install AMD driver version 20.8.1, now they say to install version 20.6.1. I'm simply baffled and confused.
I responded detailing what we have done for over a month and asking how going backwards to an earlier driver version would fix this, especially since I was now at least able to record without the disabled due to protected content messages on everything.
To top it off, now, today, I went to try to record something and I find myself back at the same old situation before all the work.

Should I give up on Radeon for recording?