For the past several month I've been getting graphical artifacts when playing any League of Legends game. I have 3 pictures below which show them but to be honest I had to record these in replay mode and it does not capture at all the extent of the issue as 1) the artifacts are not stationary, they flicker off different characters/buildings constantly, intensifying when many skills are thrown or a lot of movement is happening 2) there are probably around 2-3x the number of artifacts on screen at any given time than is shown on these images.
- Lenovo Slim 7 ProX (runs up to 120Hz display)
- AMD Ryzen 7 6800 HS
- 100W power (provided)
- Dual monitor setup with laptop in clamshell
I have had this laptop for just over a year, it is out of warranty now. I don't recall exactly when these issues started
Things I have tried:
- DDU uninstall and reinstall of AMD Drivers (with safe mode etc.)
- Reinstalled league of legends
- Enabled DirectX9 legacy mode on LoL settings
- Tried another game (Dota) to see if any issues - this was inconclusive. I didn't get past the tutorial but when the game first loaded I think I saw 1 artifact for a split second but played ~15 mins after that and nothing else appeared. League of legends still has problems even if I go into a practice tool mode.
- Tried various GPU tester things to see if it poops out on me but seems to handle them absolutely fine
- Temps do not break ~70C and the laptop pretty much never feels hot to the touch - laptop is elevated too for better airflow + LoL is not an intense game.
- Tried to play with monitors disconnected as well as on each monitor - the only difference is that the FPS and whether I cap it does seem to affect the *intensity* of the artifact flickering. If I uncap it, that's normally when it's least obnoxious.
Any more info needed, let me know. Would appreciate any help, even if to tell me my GPU is fried.