WHY MY "GPU:AMD Radeon R7 250 2GB GDDR5 CPU:Amd FX 6350 Ram:16GB DDR3 1866 mhz Motherboard:ASRock 970 Pro3 R2.0" CAN'T RUN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS ON 60 FPS LOWEST SETTINGS 1600X900.Newest drivers installed.Also all my other games run poorly,people who have much much weaker computer run games that i can't.
I used to have about 150-200 fps on ultra and before i could play games like Warframe and i can't anymore,csgo barely runs on 1152x864
Lowest settings.
No viruses on pc,pc isn't slow overall,my fps is getting worse from day to day,no overheating issues.Fresh windows install few months ago.
Most new drivers are geared toward making the current products perform better. In many case older products actually suffer because of this. There is no need to upgrade to a new driver unless it says it fixes an issue you have or an OS update or upgrade requires it. If it isn't broken don't fix it. Regress to a previous driver that you were happy with. Report the current situation to AMD: Online Service Request | AMD
But AMD,always reccomends me newest drivers,and i install newest drivers for specificly my GPU so my fps is getting worse because i install newest drivers.
go get ddu and clean up the drivers and install the new one and see if that recovers performance
Is your heatsink clogged with dust? Might be thermal throttling.