Hey guys, So i upgraded my CPU from 2600 to 3900x. and as soon i start my PC. my GPU fans are like running at 100%.
I am using.
MSI x370 gaming plus Motherboard with there latest bios.
GPU=Zotac rtx 2070 blower edition
Psu= Thermal take 700w bronze
using 2600 i never had this problem like it use to do a (whoosh) but for like really low sound and for less than a second which every gpu does i believe
as bios load or post happens.
Now as soon i installed 3900x . this whoosh is way louder and lasts for 3-4 second right before mobo logo show up after that everything is fine.
Same thing happen as i restart or when pc come out of sleep. In simple words whenever i have to wake pc Gpu fan goes high.
I don't know if this normal or not , cause i found on other forums people had or have same problem with ryzen 3rd gen processors specifically with Msi motherboard users .
I did try to downgrade bios i did it to (2019/nov) but nothing happened so i changed it back to the latest beta one.
what should i do now.
I don't know if its normal with 3900x. cause many people told me that. i am using this processor for three days now.
But on the otherhand 2600 dont' use to do that. So i am worried it might be giving more voltage for that period to my gpu cause gpu ofcourse on gpu board.
Please can someone tell me what i can do about this. Thanks alot
Parts i am using
Processor= R9 3900x
RAM=32GB of corsair Vengeance ram
Gpu- RTX 2070 zotac blower editing.
motherboard - MSI x370 gaming plus.
PSU=Thermaltake 700w