Hi all,
Please, do you know how I can get in touch with AMD to ask for a driver hotfix, and if they usually reply? Or if you are AMD related, please, DM me for more details and even receiving a test project.
I'm an experienced videgames and industry developer, based on Unreal Engine 5. Lately, I have been using the latest UE version, 5.5, and have packaged 2 different projects, totally independent, and with very different settings; one with max graphics and for latest GPUs, and another one for VR. In both cases, I have received 'Fatal Error!' reports when launching the app. And this only happens with AMD GPUs, which makes the AMD users feel discriminated. I'm a Nvidia owner, however.
Thank you very much!
I apologize for the harsh wording but why wouldn't you first report errors to UE team first? As a game dev, you really should have 3 separate test systems: nvidia, amd, and intel. The reason that people think nvidia has better drivers is because game devs only test against nvidia, so if a game dev codes the api calls to nvidia idiosyncrasies, not to the api standard, it gives the impression that nvidia is somehow better.
So get a cheap amd gpu, then debug and test with it. It's far more likely that you have a code error in your code, UE, or a combo. From your post, you haven't even confirmed your code is working against AMD gpu, yet you want AMD to fix your bug.
Hi @Qoojo,
I get your point, but I have already reported it to them. Anyway, as I mentioned, it happens in two completely different projects. Additionally, the most basic one (in terms of Unreal's technology) is also very, very simple overall—just a small baked map with a VR pawn. What should I do? I'm not even using C++, and the usual nodes… well, they are just the standard nodes we can use. What else?
Moreover, Intel seems to work fine too (though I can't confirm this with absolute certainty).
In summary, there's nothing more I can do to find additional workarounds beyond what I've already tried. I'm simply asking AMD to run a quick test to confirm whether it's an AMD issue, that's all. Surely, they have Nvidia and Intel GPUs to compare with and can conduct a deeper analysis of the situation, as the issue is very basic. We could even say that Unreal Engine’s core functionality is what’s causing AMD to crash, and I believe Unreal is an important game engine worth addressing.
If AMD wants us to believe their drivers are just as good, maybe they should ensure they work just as well when using the basic, default settings in projects made with such a major engine as Unreal. I’m even offering my project for them to test—it’s a symmetric relationship, simply put. As I said, using the common configuration and default nodes, there is one (or rather, two) GPU brands that just work. Should it really be my responsibility to break my head trying to make the other brand work too? Sometimes even Epic and GPUs brands work together to make things work.
I think they have developer programs where they will loan you hardware for testing. But that might be reserved for the big game devs and not indie devs.
I wish! I'm still in the first step, just still trying to get in touch with them, haha.
Hi again.
It seems, indeed, that the issue must be driver related: https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/1j9t0dv/ue554_substrate_path_tracing_crash_on_9070xt/
Maybe, Nvidia drivers being considered better is well deserved, at the end.
If, as you pointed, most devs test against Nvidia, I'm reporting now the results after being tested against AMD, so let's see if the approach the opportunity or the things continue being better in other brands.
I also have this issue with my brand new 9070XT. Simple path tracing works, but more complex scenes and materials crash the GPU immediately after rendering one frame (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG). I tried increasing TdrDelay, but didnt help. I'm running default GPU settings. I sent a few bug reports to both AMD and Epic, hope this gets resolved soon.