I got a Hisense Smart TV recently and it has VIDAA Operative System. I tried to connect the HDMI cable with a Display Port adapter and it didn't work. I tried using the adapter with my not smart Sony TV and no signal either. If I connect the HDMI cable directly it works in both TV, problem, this graphic card only has ONE HDMI port. I tried using and Displayport to HDMI cable since I though the issue might be the adapter. It didn't worked on myy Sony TV and it is not long enough to test it with the Hisense TV.
Funny thing, I tried using this same adapater with a TCL (android TV) and the same graphic card, it worked.
I don't know if it is a problem of the Hisense SO or the fact that the Sony TV is not a smart TV.
Is there any other option I can use to connect my PC using the graphic card displayports and the HDMI port of the TVs?
Graphic card: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT