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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Dirty Ryzen


I opened a new box of Ryzen 9 5900X. It's a good start! Smiley Happy
It was supposed to be a birthday present for myself - a new build of the computer. The new CPU looks like it was chased by all the bloggers in the world on YouTube. Well, I had no idea what could be a dirty processor cover from a new box. Photos are attached to this post. In my country (Ukraine), under retail law, a box with damaged seals cannot be returned or exchanged. Exchange is possible only in the case of non-working, after technical expertise. This is all complicated, time-consuming and expensive for the buyer.
The seller ( informed me that this cosmetic defect on the processor cover does not affect operation.
End of the story. Smiley Sad

Not often I have the opportunity to open new AMD processors, but I definitely do not expect to see a dirty processor cover with small longitudinal scratches. With the remains of some kind of liquid.

I am going to use my Ryzen - there is simply no other way out. Haven't tested it yet.

CPU photos -

With this message I wanted to tell you that there is a lot of hype around AMD's innovation, but in reality there is a dirty CPU cover in the box. It's irony. Behind the bright façade, the dirty hands of a little performer putting cool Ryzen in a box.

2 Replies

Either the processor wasn't processed (cleaned and missed by QA) before packaging or it is a used processor.

Did the Retail box look like it had been opened before?

I agree with the Retailer that cosmetic flaws won't affect the operation of the processor but if you received a used processor than I would send it back for a new processor.

It looks like the processor was inside some sort of liquid.

If you purchased an official AMD Retail box processor and it isn't under Warranty or Return date by the Retailer you can open a AMD WARRANTY REQUEST from here:

AMD can advise you by your Processor's Serial Number and Model Number if it is a new processor or not and whether you should return it for another processor.



Hello Elstaci,

I cut the hologram sticker myself.

I'll try to ask AMD for more information on my Ryzen. But this whole story is very annoying Smiley Sad