i think google was developed the searh engine in 1996 so they maybe used a playstation 1 from AMD or something like an athlon or sempron CPU to do it.. most other super computers are wayyy more expensive back then. so it processes over a googol of records and data in under nanoseconds globally to scan entire data centers.. coz its probably just all the one 80's AMD webserver. man do intel and nvidia not do super at all. So lately i've had some more success with using bigger and bigger DNA quality settings numbers and values with my AMD quantum infinity super computer ryzen 5700G and radeon 5700XT so i thought about big number words.. i used before but forgot about.. to type in googol.. so now i use octilliongoogol as a quality numbers value.. and instead of completely filling up my registry key values for unitygraphicsqualitysettings for say genshin impact and making a second one with ultraextreme in front and filling that with billions of hex FF FF values too .. i just had to use the number 10 lately because game devs are retards or microsoft are retards and are crippling the OS and my display drivers. So what i type instead is B0 which appears to be the value or hex code for UNLIMITED or uncapped quality value.. so no more lame nvidia ultra max settings of 0-5 you have to custom specify FANTASTIC graphics for.. no .. you can type in incrediblyultraextremefantasticunitygraphicsquality or whatever and use quantuminfinityquantumoctilliongoogols as a value in words in a config file or registry and edit the binary on the expandable string or whatever key in registry and use B0 which then allows you to use all the billions of FF's you want or just the number 10 or A0 or AA or FF .. i believe its to do with the ascii key it translates to.. was it a yodh or something? eh whatevers.
Whats a word for a number bigger than octilliongoogols i wonder? i have no clue how many to the power of i need for my reality emulation DNA quality RDNA card to.. well DNA quality.. im getting closer though.
im trying to upload some screenshots of genshin impact in octillions of quality.. with different filled registry values testing. Then octilliongoogols the default in the fortnite lobby i was fiddling with just now. I gotta fix my registry to say googols too. If only theres a quick easy fix.. well there sorta might be if i export then edit the reg key and CTRL H replace then update? would it then keep my old keys i wonder? hhhhmmmmmm that could be fixed. Anyway.. you wont see what im talking about anyhow. Heres a link to my config file.

Now heres what it looks like more googols

aww looks like they wont fit.. filesize too large. if i compress em or save them as jpg in paint.. it wont have the screencapture data and it will look worse than it does without all my uhh registry/HDR display and other settings which are EXTREMELY specific to my hardware.. like uhh HDR TV's.. u need one and u need the same specs and settings or it looks not as good.