I just built a computer with an AMD Radeon Rx 6750 xt and things have been working well. I have been able to run the games I wanted and have had no issues so far. That was until I downloaded Davinci Resolve 19 and when I open a project, its completely blank. The screen is just gray, but I can still hover my mouse over buttons and see drop-down menus. When I go to preferences in Davinci, I can see its recognizing my graphics card. Also, I double checked my display> graphics settings to make sure it was being recognized, but it doesn't work.
I have the latest drivers and software, so I don't know what the issue could be. This is the first computer I have ever built, so please let me know if I did something stupid. It might not be an AMD issue but I was searching Twitter and some reddit threads and its seems AMD has compatibility issues w/ Davinci.

Proof that its being recognized

What davinci resolve looks like on my end. I had to click around where I thought the preference buttons would be located to get this screen.