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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Custom resolution & refresh rate

I have got a problem with setting a custom resolution with a fixed refresh rate.

Adrenaline - settings - display - custom resolution : i have set a custom resolution of 1728x1080 @ 144hz, but once i start a game my refresh rate changes to 120hz forcefully (1728x1080), is there any chance to set the refresh rate forcefully to 144 at a resolution of 1728x1080 ? i can see the change of refresh rate on my monitor weirdly it happens in all games and all kind of resolutions under 1920x1080. never had a problem with changing refresh rates on lower resolution with my old Nvidia card.

my specs:

5600x 3600mhz 16gb ram 6700xt

Monitor: 24GL600F LG @ 144 hz with DisplayPort cable 2.1

hope you can help me couldn't find a fix for this anywhere

1 Reply
Journeyman III

I'm having the same issue. Were you able to get a workaround on this? 

We have the same monitor too. 


NVIDIA can do this without a problem. -.-