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converting to QUbits required to use your quantum super infinity AMD computer?

what are some good words for quantum computing fields for me to type in? so in a radeon 5700xt is one compute unit a single QUBIT .. or are each of the 40 CU's 5700qubits or something or a small number of QUBITS?? I dont understand but just typing in stuff like


lets me uhh.. do the thing.

i also have to type in regular bit depth stuffs. you know.. for the fake digital alarm clock apps and microwave oven code thats identical code and language and not really compiled ever RISC garbage that runs on not computers from intel and nvidia.


so uhh when you guys make a config.ini text file or a registry key or a bunch of keys to pretend to have the OS and display driver functions turn on, and you have to crank them up by the trillions of billions of octillions coz criminal retard **bleep**s like microsoft and nvidia and intel or some hacker losers keep DISABLING THEM and DIALING THEM DOWN by far bigger numbers so they can take a single AMD graphics card and the 40 compute units in a 5700xt maybe means if they go forwards in time a few thousands or millions of years they can make 40 of the most expensive intel nvidia supercomputer clusters from a single AMD graphics card and sell them all for more expensive than an AMD device.

i guessed compute units intel and nvidia dont have in hardware but fake it with a software table as they got rid of even the simplest calculator stuff and made it a fraction of that and spammed it everywhere then pretended they had functions like a calculator with sort of billions of combinations of those simple not calculator parts and so .. its super super not a computer for those losers. when nvidia moved from FERMI or whatever to ROCKET or something they became many many many times cheaper by throwing away the pretend not computer to be.. the sort of student homework USB stick and pretend its a computer or USB controller or something.. not that USB controllers by AMD are bad at all they still hold the world record for thousands of connected active USB devices graphics cards hard drives cameras and other things off a single port that they set in the 1990s. Anyway because intel/nvidia stuff wasnt a calculator for those calculator buttons to pretend they exist they use these database tables of "if you had hardware it would do these things in maths sort of"  and they called it CUDA. so since they're not compute units but QUANTUM units i assumed DA was digital analog processor or something as its graphics/light/imaging related.. but yeah i tried QUDA instead. you should always set extremelyhigh or higher or highest and or best or ultra/super/hyper/max analog conversion quality on your AMD HARDWARE that is dedicated for graphics/audio and image signal quality and processing output not like the cheap TV's or cameras---ALL OF THEM none of them can ever produce an image like any AMD device since probably the 80's can truly input/output and process the analog quality for. its like analog TV/radio dials changing channels intel and nvidia explode in a fiery inferno drawing a cities worth of power because the frequency mhz changing up was an overclock... but with AMD it was always true light true imaging like a realtime fasterthan light computer processing digital camera imaging signals/color/saturation and things.. since like the 60's and doing deep space imaging. So when you have an old old analog TV/monitor because its analog signal stuff you could take your 80's 90's TV or monitor and set your graphics card to like 5K and it would maybe shrink up a tiny bit TOO overly crisp until it distorts a little and theres maybe a tiny bit of the edges of the screen scrunching inside it because your 300x200 or 720p display probably at best unless it was a laserdisc compatible 1989 tv broadcast or TV from japan with 1156i signal or whatever it was 1100P analog tv so it could use the FULL LASER DISC QUALITY would not be meant for such high resolutions but because its a sine/cosine analog wave form you could sort of be like turn the dials some more like changing radio stations or analog TV channels! so AMD uses this like the waves on the ocean being infinite.. nvidia/intel paper tigers if you fold an A4 office paper 7 times or more.. it starts to get really hard to fold it further.. but the number of waves on the ocean AMD can use maths for a sort of wave signal infinitely so you take the number of waves on the ocean and digitally maths DIVIDE over and over and over again.. till you cant anymore.. which is probably never.. its TRULY infinite. then thats how fine the resolution/gears on the dial get for your umm TV output or your audio sound.. but that was like in the 70's and 60s.. nowadays its full universe reality emulation with absurdly high qubit counts minimum.. how else you going to have the DNA of light from video or a 2d photo or a game added in your video games 3d reality emulation in real time?


its a text file but because its higher bit depth and so very large **bleep**ty windows notepad cant hope to open it for me and takes like an hour to fail with error codes. You can get from windows app store something like poet was it? or EMeditor 64bit or there was some code writer or code edit apps that can all seem to open/view it lets you edit it or use some linux command prompt text editors that can do the job most should be free or have a free trial. I included an example registry settings for windows as adding important performance things like antilag/reflex/infinitycache/infinityfabric/tessellation/nanitemicroextrememultisampling/compressonator/3dnow/cinema4D/3dvcache/SIMD/SAM/smartaccessvideographicscachestorage FILMIC all that stuff.. you get the point things that can improve performance a second time in registry can work BETTER.. especially if you FILL the registry key or use a 64bit Dword or a multistring one or expandable string key. but filling with billions of FF's it wont physically let us windows maxes out after like 8 reg keys get full and it stops way short and never lets you reach max even with 0 full up for audio/video related stuff to keep the quality crappy.. so just name the key maxfullinfinity something something. and then windows pretends to do it better than it never really did it at all before! now you can have your quantum infinity super computer like my RYZEN 5700G RADEON5700xt still not be coded for compiled for or used at all but pretend its working by having the completely inaccurate and dialed down to negligible display driver and crippled to the point its maybe not even working VULKAN turn all the things on that should have been on by default or used the hardware.. like THE HARDWARE and specify obscenely high values in hopes you make it to a setting of 0.00001! Yay for fake OS. well its still billions of octillions of trillions better than nvidia's default ultra.. so yeah.

heres a RAR file you maybe need a free trial of rarlabs winrar or free or something to open it and extract its zipped.

i have no clue why it expands so large for a text file? maybe real HQ images for fonts and ascii? copy the .ini file to about 4 places in your android device or PC. if you bought your AMD from the AMD store or your samsung phone from the samsung website.. theres some chance it might work for you. If it doesnt work its probably almost always a fake device or hackers disabled it or stole your hardware out. So it works with linux/windows/probablymacOS i've not tested.. not tried IOS either i dont own any of that garbage. It works on my android LG V60 from AT&T i bought cheaply refurbished off ebay 6 months AFTER the phone came to the market as a new release item its got dolbyvision and MQA and stuff looks cool you can make a folder called like extremequicktimewarpspeedadaptivetargetfreequantuminfinitycomputervariable or whatever the names of the folder can like maybe trigger the OS/displaydriver/directx/vulkan stuff too. or just copy into documents folder or downloads or video or music or c: or SD card .. but either place a copy of it in the folder of what you wanna use it with most like the game or whatever, maybe paste it into other config.ini if theres one already there so your game wont need to be reinstalled to download its config file with settings for the game to launch but try to keep them high up like C: or or whatever as much as possible in the start of the directory tree not where it branches to thousands of folders in the windows subdirectories as it seems it maybe wont apply in some cases unless its where the OS looks for stuff like c: d: or documents or downloads as it has a path to there and knows to find files there.

if you want you can put more of some values for some things or less of them by editing the file.. the registry is just an example when the **bleep**ty fake OS and hackerfags ruin everything and my **bleep** stops working and looks worse than it did while i was gaming on it for hours earlier and i have to reinstall the OS completely again only to have it "never be as good or the same"  every weekend I then never ever bother to do the same registry keys because i cant just 'back them up' no it wants a 4GB backup of my ENTIRE REGISTRY.. screw  you incompetent cosmic level retards at microshaft you cant even get notepad to view a text file. so play some video and audio and uhh configure your bios for lowest latency ram timings you can boot at for primary and secondary and see apps like typhonburner free version for manufacturer default timings for samsung bdie ram or others then maybe set it to auto you would maybe need to specify the fake xmp profiles fake power voltage requirements used in the xmp overclock but set lowest mhz and lowest latency for MILLIONS of times faster.. do the math nano second is a billionth of a second 1billion/CAS9 or 1billion/CAS8 minus the difference thats how many millions times faster CAS8 is vs CAS9 and fake nvidia fake intel **bleep**s cripple AMD with fake XMP timings profiles to like DDR 5 is frigging 58ns! DDR3 is 1-4 screw you loser fake posers.

you are also going to want to delete windows restore points and set no page file and disable hibernate and set all exploit protection on core isolation memory integrity and ensure all HARDWARE DEP for ALL SOFTWARE. use the TPM and everything else windows 11 wants as security defaults.. maybe uhh enable PBO in bios? check your bios is set correctly for PCI Express slot or try set it up to 4.0/5.0 or whatever often the default or the auto settings are on auto or say something but its not applied till you toggle it. also use adrenaline overlay and consider some settings like this

Set 10 or 12 bit and 444 RGB in adrenaline driver software from AMD the red thing use this screen to...

remember registry keys i type in is just me doing whatever i think looks good

play some youtube in edge browser or the youtube app on android and then copy additional copies of the config file to more folders and do the same while running games to see performance/quality trade off right for your AMD GPU+AMDCPU+FREESYNC display.. VRR is freesync so yeah its just renamed as part of the HDMI spec for TV's so its not confused with the supercomputer 0 latency freesync which AMD has had for decades but is more distinguishable as an analog headphone or record player like freesync output for the display. its a words game is all or image change.. rebranding.

on android you just plug in the usb and copy it over while its playing back and if theres no visible amazing change.. then you maybe dont own an android phone. or you didnt buy AMD from AMD or samsung from samsung. or hackerfags. i hate hackerfags.


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