Firstly CERAMIC GRAPHENE though it works on static repulsion principles as its ANTIDUST like dust falls off it not clings and its FIREPROOF and its SUPER HYDROPHOBIC but you'd need a number of coatings. It can last about 12 months to 3 years but you can get different ratios up from about 5% to as much as 35% actives which means about 9 years estimated for your CAR EXTERIOR.
So why not your PC case and fans? But problem is an easy spray and forget application. Most require UV heat lamps and a natural gas flame thrower type uhh blow torch uhh like a creme brulee thingy or them caramelising nigiri salmon sushi blow torch things jets of flame. You also gotta buff it quite a bit first spread it thin and even and use like whole body weight really flatten it out with intense power tools like a floor polishing machine or glass polisher. If you apply it to glass you gotta heavy duty polish it and it might look streaky for a while after, if it does maybe polish it some more. The application you polish up and after about 15 minutes its touch dry and is "dry" in 4 hours but takes 2 weeks to slowly 'curing' i think is the term like house paints with high gloss/sheen or UV resist it might take a while to completely reach max hardness. Until then you should avoid wetting it and not soaps or other chemicals or cleaning products which may negatively alter the finish or drastically shorten the lifespan or may reduce its hydrophobic properties. You can use it on your clothes and wear em about it used to be used by countless dry cleaners but people didnt know it was GRAPHENE (charcoal soot CARBON) and were using resins and random clear coats and nonsense that was suuuper bad for peoples health (some plastics or glues or epoxies need exact ratio mixtures or are simply very bad to breathe in or not meant for use in certain situations or need to be AUTOCLAVED (vacuum the air bubbles out with a pressure cooker like extractor pump). Liquid glass silicone dioxide and some graphane (carbon) is much better for health than plastics but its something you can ALSO add to glues/resins/epoxies but is more used as a polish or sealant or protective coating you put on the potentially unsafe materials like tree saps (anything timber in the universe) heavy metals toxins and trace elements (all metal things) UNSAFE older style glasses that are more toxic silicone and impurites and not triple glazed safety glass or modern 99% acryllics glues and other things with like 7 layers of different plastics and gels and whatever and polarizing stuff and window tintings built in that arent possibly toxic metal powers or tinctures you just seal it over with safer waxes/tinting/polishes like CERAMIC GRAPHENE. Heck even your carpet and clothes could use the stuff. But much of the auto industry ceramic graphene is like a keeps it a liquid and anti mould agent so it smells a bit like a paint or nail polish slightly chemical smells till its dry and isnt recommended to drink but it states in emergency of no available water it may help until you find alternatives as it traps in what water you have FLORISTS use the stuff in their water mist sprays and it keeps cut roses or other flowers fresh 2 whole weeks longer.
But theres not a cheap spray can i can buy for like 5 years or more to just spray away and POSSIBLY microfibre towel then not need to power tool and blow torch the place to pieces to put it on my PC case.. anybody got any ideas? I think a fine spray application like airbrush or some sorta gurney hose with tiny bottle or ultrasonic like a vape device or steam mop might be needed but u cant use it with any steam mop i've seen it'd gunk it up and ruin the rubber seals.