Hi all, let me introduce me and my team. We are MG-SKY and we make within other things customized Gaming and working machines. The majority of out business supply was done by Wave computer, API and/or ITK.
Since 2019 it becomes more and more difficult to purchase OEM/Tray parts for our products. Also we are a bit annoyed by all the paperwaste which is generated by us, when we build systems for customers, because have to use mostly the same products like the normal self building people do.
On top of that we lost, 2 official requests for projects, due to that we are not able to source Ryzen pro processors. (Like 4650g etc.)
Long story short, we want to become a partner of AMD to source the whole product-portfolio for our customers/products.
It would be great to have access for OEM/Tray products, too. Which benefits for the environmental impact 🙂
How can we proceed here? We registered for the Amd Partner Portal, but I haven't found any information about sourcing parts. I tried to reach out to AMD in Germany but the phonenumber, suggested on the contact us page is dead 😞
Kind regards