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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Any chance to access currently closed documentation ?

I've read whatever I could get my hands on WRT to Gen 17 CPU & Vega GPU (and newer families),  but I am still way short of being able to roll up a Coreboot BIOS without binary globs and boot my Ryzen without it, let alone make a PCB with it.

I'm interested mostly in either desktop or mobile APUs like 5700G and 5800U/H or newer.
"Processor Programming Reference" does offer some insight into internals "behind the curtains", but a LOT is still missing.

Is there any chance a mere mortal could lay his hands on those ? AMD did state that  they intend to open the documentation. Many times.

Well, now it would be great time, especially with suspicious add-ons like Microsoft's  "Pluton "security module etc.

Any chance of seeing some ?

1 Reply
Big Boss

Hi @SIndi_7832 ,

AMD official documentation page provides a comprehensive list of manuals, references and other technical documents. Please be sure to browse this page if you haven't checked it yet.

If you are looking for any other document/information which is not listed there or publicly available, then an NDA may be needed to access it. Please check this post for suggestion: AMD Ryzen 5 4700U datasheet
