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General Discussions

Adept I

AMD Response to RTX Series


so good power efficiency, probably multi gpu, good quality build and more..

3 Replies

Years of fun. Maybe if you are under 10 years of age and only ride it a few times a year. This bike isn't worth 100 bucks. It would be a death trap if used as a mountain bike. 

AMD should spend concentrate on their gpu drivers not bicycles.

It is really tough deciding what would kill you first the shock that would collapse in the middle. The fork that would bottom out and send you over the bars. The tripple chain ring that is junk and likely will skip the chain or the side pull breaks which have no business being on a mountain bike past 1999 and are nowhere near as good as the ones they put on mountain bikes back then. 


I think you are being over-critical. It looks like any standard mass produced bike labeled as a mountain bike. If you are going to go on some serious mountain trails where breaking the welds is a possibility, then you probably want to buy that $1K mountain bike. This bike is going to work as good as any bike sold at walmart or similar store, but it has AMD labeling. So $50 to $75 + AMD coloring scheme where the tires probably added most of the cost.


Well maybe it is over critical but yes that bike is sub par and not because welds would break. It is because no suspension bike in this class whether AMD sells it or Walmart is a mountain bike. So yes I am critical and not overly so because many people do buy these so called "Mountain Bikes" and do get seriously injured thinking they are mountain bikes. The crusier is a fine bike for what it is advertised to be. 

The front forks on this bike will bottom out on impact and through you over the bars. The mid suspension will eat all momentum when climbing. Down hill the brakes are so inadequate that you would be unable to stop. 

And honestly I just looked at Walmart for reference. At the price point this bike sells for the couple they have at similar price are much better bikes. The bike they have in AMD's bikes class are just over 100 bucks. 

So I stand by exactly what I said. We are all entitled to our opinions and you certainly are too.