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General Discussions

Journeyman III

6700XT not running at 100%

Hi there,

System specs - Ryzen 5 2600x - Enhanced Multicore Enabled, 32 GB DDR4-3000 mhz, 550W psu, 6700XT GPU

I run Warzone, Modern Warefare & Cold War

One of the issues I have had with AMD is that after the latest update Adrenalin 2020 Edition 21.3.2, the card has not been going full throttle. The Core Clock moves all the way from 500 to 2200 as i am gaming, this leads to an fps drop and stutter.

Another issue is that when I move my mouse while playing the game, fps begins to drop and so does the Core clock. I am not sure if this is a driver issue or a game issue, but the problem stems from the update on the Adrenalin and a parallel update patch from Warzone.

I have fixed a lot of the issues by disabling hardware acceleration on Adrenalin, discord and battlenet clients. But the persistant fps loss still exists and the nominal fps loss is as follows:

Warzone Verdansk : 25 to 30% (105 fps normal)

Warzone Rebirth Island: 15 to 20% (105 fps normal)

Multiplayer MW: 5 to 10% (145 fps normal)

Before updating the Adrenalin software, virtual resolution ran perfectly and I was running Verdansk at a 1440p resolution with 135 fps and the card would be loaded properly and the fan going nutts to cool it.

Post update the fan is hardly noticeable, Core clock moves all over the place. I have also enabled custom fan tuning but the GPU is not loading enough for the fan to be heard.

Appreciate any help.



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