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Gaming Discussions

Adept II

What Game do you think deserves more praise and why

Recently been playing a indie horror card game called Inscription. It beautifully mixes a dark atmosphere with deck building giving it a unique type of experience.  Highly recommend trying it if you guys get the chance. Can’t wait to see what games you guys highlight 

4 Replies

Titanfall 2 - it has a fantastic single player experience. The story is compelling and more importantly the game play is well balanced, paced and is fun. It's fast enough to keep the player engaged while not being so fast as to overwhelm them.

The game is also reality impressive from a graphical stand point. There's tons of details in the levels and it looks great. It also ran smoothly on my limited hardware.


It only stayed off most people's because it's single player experience is linear in a time when open world games was the newest fad.

Adept I

A game I feel flew under a lot of radars was Journey; this is my favorite game of all time and I regularly go back and play through it again. The music is AMAZING Austin Wintory at his finest. The visuals are evocative and the sand and snow physics are so good. Honestly can’t recommend it enough.

That’s a good one it’s always been on my back catalogue. Definitely gonna try it now 


@majicalpanda okay so I just looked it up and it looks right up my alley - thank you for the recommendation! For the curious: 

@Skebras "Journey" is on my wishlist!

As for my answer... I'm sticking with Project Zomboid. It's gotten more attention recently, but I think it's deserving of a lot more. The gameplay is so detailed - it's a totally immersive experience imo.

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