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Gaming Discussions

Journeyman III

Veteran Assistance

I was curious if y'all had any particular program with disabled veteran gamers. As one of the few escapes I have left for my injuries gaming gives me my mental image of physical freedom. But with my injuries come lower general pay so affordability and access are becoming harder and harder in today's world.

2 Replies

There seems to be Gaming Websites for Disabled Veteran Gamers  like yourself:




Adept I

what would you need help with then Sir. Logistics outside of game and need help with it or just in general.  If you need or just want to find other vets you could check some of the game specific forums there are usually a lot of them posting . but lately lot of my friends and some of my brothers that stayed in have been saying that a lot of the communities are really toxic toward vets. actually one of the reasons why i left playing world of warcraft.   

if you saw personal action overseas i will give my breath of warning. unless your 100% sure try to stay away from a lot of the military aimed fps.  i learned that the hardway there are a lot of things that can be triggered.  also if you're part of the vfw in your town check to see if there are any locals playin. 

have a good day