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Gaming Discussions

Adept II

The hypocrisy of AMD (and Nvidia)

So AMD makes what was basically a public attack on Nvidia for releasing new generations cards with less than 16 GB of vRAM. They make some good points about future proofing cards because of the increased size of textures and additional features in games that wind up consuming vRAM. And it's not just 4K. It will affect 1440 also when using a lower end card.

So how much RAM are they saying the 7600 XT supposed to get? 8GB of vRAM. Seriously? So what AMD said was just hype to get people to buy their older 6X00 stock. They apparently don't care about follow through in the new generation. 

Like Nvidia, they make public statements they have NO intent of backing up. I'm so sick of the hypocrisy and deceit by both companies.  They tell the consumer what they want to hear and then the truth comes out. Rigged benchmarks, price jumps they claim are based on wafer costs and inflation. Yeah, wafer costs have gone up, but they now get more chips per wafer, so costs have been close to the same per chip and depending on the die size, actually decreased in some cases. This from industry experts that have talked about it.  And inflation? It's not at 20% per year since 2020, so that excuse doesn't hold water either.

Nvidia has picked up the moniker Ngreedia. Wonder what people will tag AMD with if they stay on the route they are heading down.
I'm wanting to upgrade, mainly because of the AV1 hardware encoder/decoder. But instead, just getting a cheap ARC 380 as a secondary for that purpose  is becoming more attractive.

Then there's the HIP-RT, which still isn't in Blender and was supposed to be in by 3.5. You read the developers forum and you find the hold up is AMD, not issues with implementing it on the developer's end.

I've used AMD products for years, both CPU's and GPU's, but now? Consumers are stuck with the lesser of 2 evils. 

Right now AMD has approximately 90 days of stock on hand. Ngreedia has OVER 200 days of stock because of the BS they are pulling. Unless the 7600 XT is dirt cheap, I believe AMD will  wind up with a huge stock on hand with the card, since they didn't follow through  on their own public statement. 

I will give AMD kudos for their APU development, but the GPU branch is discouraging.

2 Replies
Adept I

In all of my many years, and they are many, Fords are better than Chevys, Lucky Strikes are better than Camels, Wranglers are better than Levis, Nikons are better than Canons, and . . . well, you get the point.

Marketing, is marketing, trolling is trolling. Me? I don't care: why should I? If we are talking computers and their manifold peripherals, I buy what I want, based on my research, based on my needs. 

I smoked Luckies.

Adept I

I don't subscribe to the concept of a lesser of 2 evils. I consider it false attribution of motivation. These companies are amoral. Their mission statement is to make money for themselves and their shareholders. That's where it begins and ends.

As important as Blender may be to some workflows, it is a fairly small space/edge case overall, given perspective. That is; AMD has bigger fish to fry. There are over 250 million consoles out there, beginning with the Xbox One series and Playstation 4 series, all powered by AMD hardware. Sony is their largest customer at the moment. AMD is also focused heavily on the enterprise sector with EPYC. And rightly so, since the profit margins there are high. Consequently, servicing their biggest clients needs, comes first. Also, given their limited resources, some things are going to end up on the proverbial back burners. Not out of malice or sinister intent, but necessity. 

I'll conclude this post by stating that reading someone suggest that AMD and Nvidia are evil, so they'll buy Intel, is comedy gold.