I started playing Stray at our recent Labor Day LAN party, and in the beginning I was having a good time. But then I reached the city where those red creatures start coming at you and even though I run and zig-zag, and try my best to hit the 'alt' key to minimize their affect, I still get killed. After about 20 times I gave up. Is there a trick to getting past these blood-sucking creatures that come at you from all angles?
Poor kitty, trapped in the city......
Oh my gosh I love this game and finished it all the way through! You're talking about where you have to sprint through and those things stick to you / kill you right?
I think if I'm remembering correctly, you have to be really strategic on where parts you hop to next. It's not just zigging and zagging around if that makes sense haha.
I believe you have to prioritize staying on the path, minimize zig-zaging, only zig-zag when they jump.
Ive never played this game @BigAl01 but found this:
Thanks for the replies. I looked at the IGN guide and I can see that I have been getting too close to the buildings in the 'Escape the Zurk' sequence. I need to try their recommendations this weekend.
These are the Zurk. I wonder what they taste like?
I keep getting killed. It's even worst than before. I need someone to sit at my computer and get me through this part. I can't take it anymore. 😞
I tried it again and this time I set the run command to toggle. That was important so my kitty would keep running and I could hit that left-alt key to keep the Zurk off of me. Now I'm stuck in the next city.
Where am I now? Stuck on a wall with nowhere to go.
Yay! I made it to the next level - 'The Flat'. I'll stop here for now.
We love the progression, Al! Haha
I've discovered that this game can make me nauseous after a short period. I think it's similar to what I experience with first-person shooter games. Moving around at a rapid pace just makes me feel like I'm in a virtual reality world I suppose. But some games, like World of Tanks, are slow enough and not played in confined spaces (like inside buildings) such that I don't feel bad after playing them - except that my right wrist starts to ache from using the mouse. It's tough getting old I guess.
Today I'm near the end of 'The Flat', where I jump into the bucket and ride it down and then I get swarmed by those nasty creatures. I can't seem to get 'run' mode to toggle - is this only available when you are being chased? I am overwhelmed quickly once out of the bucket. I am so near the end and ready for chapter 4, 'The Slums', but I cannot survive. Meow.
I never could get the run mode (left-alt) to toggle, but I got through to ‘The Slums’. I am doing well actually. I’ll stop here for now as we have another wine event to attend tonight.
Good game worth trying?
If you like cats, yes.
In "Stray," a game where you play as a stray cat navigating a futuristic city, you encounter various challenges, including dealing with the robotic creatures that inhabit the city. To get past these creatures, you can try the following strategies:
Stealth and Avoidance:
Distract and Redirect:
Use Height Advantage:
Observation and Timing:
Trial and Error:
Remember that "Stray" encourages exploration and experimentation, so don't be afraid to try different tactics to overcome the challenges presented by the creatures in the city.