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Gaming Discussions

Journeyman III

Questions about Wraith Ripper and Ryzen Threadripper

Hi, I just buy all the components to build a new computer, I got the Ryzen Threadripper 1920x processor and a Wraith Ripper cooler master, a RTX 2070 videocard, 16 gb RAM 850 watts power soply and other stuff... but I have doubts about use or not use thermal paste with my Wraith Ripper since I saw in some coments some processors have been damaged with the thermal paste.

I will not build my PC by my own, but professional builders from Best Buy will do it for me, but I don´t know if ask them to use thermal paste with the cooler master Wraith Ripper or if ask them to don´t use it

any sugestion

1 Reply

First of all, a new PC is always exciting, personally I much prefer building everything myself but as you've said, you prefer a professional installer - which leads me to the first point, don't go to Best Buy... or any other non-PC specific stores, regardless of them having a dept or not, they won't put as much accent on quality of the build and the employees might not be as well trained.

As for the thermal paste, just to nip the potential idea in the bud - don't use thermal pads, and you would only need to replace the thermal paste already on the cooler IF it's been disturbed in any way (fingerprints, scrapes, oxidation marks etc) but beyond that, you should be good to go. I run a TR 2990WX and I only went for a high-end paste for peace of mind.

Hope it helps!