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FSR Supported in 250 Available and Upcoming Games

AMD FSR 2 blog banner new log0..jpg


Hey Red Team, 

In case you missed it, there are now 250 available and upcoming games that support either FSR 1 or FSR 2. And out of those 250 games, 110 of them support our latest FSR 2 technology and we soon expect the number of FSR 2 games to overtake the number of FSR 1 games.

The latest complete list of supported FSR 2 games can be found in our AMD Red Team Community post here, which is frequently updated, so check back often.

You can read more about our latest FSR update available on GPUOpen and more details about upcoming games here:


AMD FSR 2 110 available and upcoming games_1080p.jpg

Your friend at AMD
PC specs | Twitter | Red Team Discord
2 Replies
Adept II

hello, sorry to bother you but please could you fix something for my? I don't see any private message in my settings if you could help me it will be so great.

(and sorry i didn't know how to pm you and i saw you fixed for some others that's why I came to your newest post....sorry for bothering)

i dont see any PMi dont see any PM




Hi @ahmad-hardy , No problem! I think I helped you on the other post 🙂 If you need any further help let me know! 

Your friend at AMD
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