Hola. Quisiera una respuesta urgente. Hace 15 Dias en una Tienda me recomendaron armar las pc con las siguientes características.
El problema es que hice armar 7 pc y tiene una falla nada común es que la pantalla se pone en negro uno diario variando aveces dos una vez en la mañana y otro en la tarde y tengo que reiniciarlo forzoso para que vuelva a funcionar. Quisiera que me den su opinión si a alguien le sucedió de cual puede estar fallando ya que la tienda de donde lo compre no puede detectarlo. Espero su respuesta gracias.
english pls
btw - first boot ALWAYS with HDMI - than you wont have a black screen
Translated for you, please try to use English language:
The problem is that I did build 7 pc and has a common failure is that the screen goes black one day changing sometimes two times in the morning and one in the afternoon and I have to restart it to make it work again. I would like you to give me your opinion if someone happened to you which may be failing since the store where you buy it from can not detect it. I await your answer thank you.
Let me understand if i got you correctly:
-You assembled 7 pc with a 2400G, the same Ga-a320-s2h, win10 and they exhibit all the same issue?
-From the video i noticed that the screen is already black, the pc crashed to a black screen and you need to reboot manually to make it work?
-Did this happen only when the pc goes into sleep mode or it happen also when you are gaming, surfing?
I would advice you to:
-Update you APU drivers to the latest AMD 18.5.2, cleaning the previous AMD drivers installed with DDU.
-Be sure to have updated the motherboard bios to the latest.
the problem is the same for all PCs, especially when it is playing, the image disappears and turns black as in the video. Thanks for your advice.
If the issue is the same on all the pc, i would think it's more a software issue rather than a hardware issue.
Be sure to have everything updated, OS, drivers, bios.
Let me know if the problem persist after you checked that everything is up date.
You are welcome, saluti.