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Gaming Discussions

Adept I

Aren't you sick of battle royals - why are they so popular?

Dear creatures,

The question is pretty clear, so I'd say what I think.


Perhaps several years ago, thingies like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Warzone and PUBG, became the norm for non old school gamers. It feels like a disgrace, considering there are so many good games, that are providing less of the 'mindless' experience, and more of cooperative/strategic/multiskilled gameplay. Why has this happened?! Is it the option to dance on somebody's corpse, while a trendy song plays in the background, the reason for this shift towards brainless battle royals. Or is it, perhaps the small competition - 1 out of the 4 people in the team survives, and while the other 3 are watching, he is showing off? Or is there something more to battle royals I'm not seeing?


Moo ❤️

1 Reply
Adept I

their popularity is easily explained. a lot of people are egotistical aholes that love nothing better than to beat someone and know they cannot do it in the real world. I refer to those people as horrible trolls. if they are allowed to voice they often have a foul mouth too .

Yes I know for some it is about competition and not stoking their egos. they usually play in esports competitions.