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Gaming Discussions

AMD R# 5000 series Naming Scheme

Now that AMD has officially decided to skip R# 4000 series to help synchronize the APU & CPU naming schemes for their product lines, please assure us AMD Fans that you're going to implement the new naming scheme correctly.

For Main Stream DeskTop CPU's, you can continue with your

R9 5###

R7 5###

R5 5###

R3 5###

naming scheme.

PRO = Professional Set of features.

M = Mobile

D = DeskTop

But for the APU's side, can you please at least use the other missing #'s

R8-D 5###<Suffix> vs R8-D 5###<Suffix> PRO

R6-D 5###<Suffix> vs R6-D 5###<Suffix> PRO

R4-D 5###<Suffix> vs R4-D 5###<Suffix> PRO

This would be a EASY way of distinguishing the APU line from the normal CPU line and having the PRO variants

If you want to split the Pro / Mobile / DeskTop APU, you easily add Monikers so that end users can easily figure it out:

R8-M 5####<Suffix> vs R8-M 5####<Suffix> PRO

R6-M 5####<Suffix> vs R6-M 5####<Suffix> PRO

R4-M 5####<Suffix> vs R4-M 5####<Suffix> PRO

R2 5### can be reserved for the NAS/SAN Storage Appliance line / Budget Athlon Terminals Computers

R1 5### can be reserved for Ultra Budget Athlon branded CPU's or x86 version of Raspberry Pi / Tinker / Controller Boards.
Basically any device that can be "Headless / Without a need for GPU".

R0 5### can be for experimental one-off chips.

This would make your Product Stack / Naming scheme ALOT cleaner IMO.

2 Replies

Not enough X's
Or XTs

or RXs

how about a few XTX's?

I have now gone from being confused between Nvidia RTX and AMD RX GPUs
to being even more confused between AMD CPU R95900X and AMD GPU RX5700XT.

I think it is a cunning plot to increase AMD GPU sales through spreading confusion.

This may be why I currently have two RX5700XT sitting on my desk...


You do know that historically, the X, XT, XTX was used as a "Suffix" in AMD's Model # scheme.

RX is a Prefix for GPU's and is a counter to nVIDIA's GTX / RTX Prefix.

R# is for CPU's to mimic Intel's CPU Model # system.