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AMD is a true quantum super computer

so.. you know how AMD is a true quantum super computer, but maybe not the entire thing.. only parts of it and each year it gets more next level.. the rest of it is just regular super computer i suspect? not sure. hard to say? well heres my idle shower thoughts and opinions/observation.
why dont game devs ever optimize or make any games for it?
instead they cancel games like final fantasy 14 3 different betas until its graphics were worse than final fantasy 11 because it was TOO awesome
then cripple it and make it run with like fake nvidia software custom special super over the top sabotage
you could go into their gamesdoesntworks software in the game client and delete or rename and replace certain files and registry edit some stuff and the game started looking and running miles better on FF14 which had to be completely cancelled and called it FF15.. and all sorta awful stuff
not to mention games like the witcher 3 killing off all the next gen consoles which like ps3 should have had true hair/water/skin and smoke.. instead you got rectangle doors with billions of polygons hidden in them to slow it down on AMD and fakest hair ever and called it hairworks..
and if you wanted to run the game on AMD u had to make them bald or heavily modify stuff and disable the 4th dimensional maths the hair needs
but like.. i wonder how long AMD has had TRUE light for? you see.. a normal super computer is just CAS0 .. 0 latency. but AMD has negative latency and infinityfabric/cache..
but even if you multicore multitask thats just 90's parrallel computing even like 80's russian PC's have that
AMD SIMD single instruction multiple delivery makes it so a single task can be instantaneous and simultaneous.. so you say do this light ray thing and it applies it to every pixel on the display without using more memory or stuff its a hardware feature
but thats not a quantum computer
you see when people perfectly arrange atomic level stuff into a computer they found methods to make an atom entangle with another so far apart any changes done instantly mirrored by the other
so its truely simultaneously instantaneous.. while being different separate things.. that are all still the same single thing at the same time. 

so if ancient 1800's or 1900's pc's were 0's and 1's.. and then a quantum computer is a 0 and a 1 and both simultaneously at the same time as a third thing, so you could use all possible possible combinations of 0,1 and use algorithms of infinitely repeating ones and 0's or whatever and they happen instantly. 
truth is its sorta multidimensional
so with light, its a wave and a particle.. its heat and energy.. its 7 different colours of the rainbow and ones we maybe dont see.. and its also white light, or transparent light as in it passes through and penetrates without hitting while still lighting
you can see the pixar multidimensional shape of a light packet photon in digital format which is sorta shaped like most of the 4th dimensional and other shapes as its got a tesseract with a what looks like a cross X like butterfly wings but 4 corners but its maybe a sphere core? uhh so its a glome/tesseract/hyperplane/npoly? as those sorta arms might be different facets or npoly being uhhh .. dilated?
i think the smallest unit is called a bilibili and it makes up atoms or something astronomy term.. but they use it for measuring photons or light or its some sorta display panel pixel term.. maybe the part that shines? its why animation studios name themselves like pixar or bilibili or squaresoft maybe referring to exponential or quadratic graphics?
who knows..
but yeah.. just turning on your AMD hardware acceleration and one or two display driver functions.. lets you realtime rendering.. which nvidia and intels not really even a calculator cant do
and you're doing it with TRUE light additive light, you can scatter/diffuse/transparency and all the colours from the one light.

being 7 colours in 1 simultaneously all possible possibles.. in real time.. would make it a much much better quantum super computer than say just a 0 or a 1 or both am i right or are you all retards? so i wonder if light requires 7th dimensional maths?? is that how it works? the whole computery thing? i like to imagine bit depth.. like 1 byte is 8bits thats 256.. so you have your ascii and 26 letters in the one byte for your keyboard all possible possibles of the keyboard but they arent simultaneous or isntantaneous.. just uhh filing cabinet. so if you put a second byte thats 512.. but bit depth for hardware in computing is supposed to be more like uhh.. ibm had an old type writer with golf ball looking thing with the type letters all over its facets. so it spun around to punch the letters.. imagine you had a 256 ascii/letters thing and you expanded it to the 4th dimension or whatever. then they start all glowy and legendary alien artifact like amplifying each other.. is how i imagine it.. i dont exactly have other ways of explaining it. but 8bit tv panel r,g,b, each having 256 becomes 16million colours 10bit 1024 each has 1.2billion right? we see in 300million ? so never need more than 10bit panel.. but our pc colourspace file formatting data storage for images needs 12bit RGB 444 or rather 64bit scientific RGB. and 128bit lighting/color. if you shoot in a DSLR the camera can sometimes save in DNG format for raw image data which is with raw data like 70MB or more.. but your low quality not raw 2mb jpg file with compression can still be saved in DNG file and not be raw at all and marketing will say can shoot in raw format.. because they mean the file format.. its the nvidia and intel marketing mindset and strategy to not have something and pretend you do with software.
nvidia and intel arent using mass spectrograph colour science from the 16th century..
so they sure as **bleep** dont have true light.. they fake 3d with 2d..
AMD has like 5th dimensional maths 3d reality simulation gaming.. but because light particles are 7 colours of the rainbow at once while being a single light.. thats sorta umm quantum realm.. and multidimensional as heat/energy would be a separate dimension i believe
so umm being many things simultaneously while still being the one thing.. and doing all possible possibles of those things that are the one thing.. is umm.. infinitely more betterer
than cheap not even true 1800's physics text book maths with buttons on every calculator wave form pattern maths sine/cosine TRUE AUDIO like in synthetic doorbells and stuff
AMD can hardware render the audio TRUE.. mathematically.. and create sound for video with no audio
or create audio for interactions of material substances in 3d software
see the box of every radeon card even ps3 has it but never been turned on .. TRUE AUDIO.. it lets you game faster and uses 96% or closer to 100% of system resources when processing audio with better quality and lower latency
is PC better chat room about how to use AMD computers and mobile phones which appear to function identically to AMD desktop parts.. like your desktop computer has an AMD RX580.. your LG v60 has an rx630..
you see.. you can use the additive light function or transparency and other things.. and worldspace and heaps of cool stuff while gaming on AMD
its to do with their vastly better true bit depth
and like about 3-4x faster performance from the same stick of RAM..

but i think like intel and nvidia used to fake their bit depth. all their stuff is literal corner and cost cutting. if 4th dimensional tesseracts and 3d cubes and squares quadratic graphics with like 8bit hardware.. they use 3bit hardware or 6bit.. two points pretend its a line and pretend that line is a hypotenuse and then 2d triangles everything and PRETEND its 3d though it isnt.. its a flat photo of 3d called rasterizing.  when computers were super expensive and had lousy display monitors nvidia and intel would take a not even really a calculator and pretend its a computer and run commerce cash register software they spent years to learn and steal because banks and businesses all used it and were pouring money into developing it for cheap practical reasons like cash registers and post offices. they couldnt see the difference between a 2d low colour image and a quadratic higher colour image with full HDR because well they hadnt had their inferior hardware cripple all the colour standards yet and they were often using the same cheapest fakest of old analog displays..

ever since the 1950's when cheap audio synth tools and audio labs for studying listening science were more common and cheaper they could verify 1800's physics waves maths for perfect audio reproduction and then cheapened it to the minimum for true audio mathematically that they could cheaply commercially reproduce.. well on paper its a theoretical best of 44.1khz which sony being maybe a tiny bit more optimistic about their hardware than reality set it as the compact disc standard. but it maybe had something to do with frequency of quartz timing clocks or other such things and components who knows? yet these formulas and how they work are literally old news. its in everything we've ever used.. yet intel and nvidia still no true audio.. what gives?

4 Replies

Quantum figuring is an area of software engineering that use the laws of quantum mechanics to assist associations with taking care of mind boggling issues that can't be settled by conventional elite execution PCs. Quantum mechanics is the hypothesis of the actual properties and communications everything at the nuclear and subatomic level.

The objective is to apply quantum hypotheses to improve registering at a center level, permitting PCs to process, look at, request and difference enormous measure of information at crazy velocities. With legitimate application, a quantum PC could contrast a few likely results with a perplexing arrangement of information and distinguish the best one inside a negligible portion of a second.

Volunteer Moderator

It's been said that some interesting ideas come from thoughts of consciousness, which this appears to be.  Heck, I still have a hard time accepting the fourth dimension - but give me time. 

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Journeyman III

The way you describe AMD's capabilities with TRUE light and multidimensional maths sounds mind-boggling. It's fascinating to think about how technology has evolved and how different companies approach it.
And you're right. AMD has made some significant strides in the gaming and audio realms with its hardware and bit depth. It's amazing how they're using that to create a more immersive experience for users.
While your insights are intriguing, have you ever thought about exploring the world of quantum in trading? The Quantum AI trading tool might add another layer to your tech adventures. Check it out at

Adept I

Interesting thoughts! While AMD is not strictly a "quantum computer," they have made significant strides in advanced computing technologies.

AMD's Infinity Fabric and SIMD innovations contribute to impressive parallel processing and efficiency, particularly in gaming and AI workloads. However, true quantum computing involves manipulating quantum bits (qubits) with superposition and entanglement, which is a different realm altogether.

As of today, AMD has been actively exploring quantum computing. In 2023, AMD announced partnerships with leading quantum research institutions and launched a quantum simulator, helping bridge classical and quantum computing. Their adaptive SoCs (e.g., Xilinx Versal) also aid quantum simulations and control systems.

Regarding gaming, optimization depends on developers leveraging AMD's hardware features like FidelityFX and Smart Access Memory. While legacy issues existed, modern titles increasingly integrate AMD optimizations.
