No overheating, no overclocking nothing, while playing games i realized some part of my screen was stuttering really bad and it was dropping my fps so much. It didn't happen always but i didn't know what triggered it till now while installing new drivers thinking it will solve the issue, steam didn't load correctly and it was all black. that's when stuttering started and didn't stop; until when driver installation's driver uninstalling phase came, the stuttering stopped i was kinda shcoked tbh i tought my gpu was fried but i'm %100 sure that it is a driver issue, back to story after the uninstalling phase ended and new drivers got installed, the issue startewd again. I will link videos to show you more but still really shocked how this is possible? I don't think using ddu and reinstalling the drivers will help because that's just what amd software does while upgrading the drivers. Idrk what to do but it really annoys me and I can't play my games normally. Just realized whilw tying to upload the videos (my wxplorer is on dark mode) it doesn't need to be pitch black gray also triggers the stuttering too.