Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: none (only iGPU)
CPU: RYZEN 7 7700
Motherboard: MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk
BIOS Version: 7D75v1C
RAM: 32GB (2x 16GB Kingston KF556C36-16)
PSU: Seasonic 650W
Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 PRO 23H2 (Build 22631.2861), Ubuntu 22.03
GPU Drivers: AMD Adrenaline 23.12.1 (Windows 11)
Chipset Drivers: AMD CHIPSET DRIVERS VERSION (Windows 11)
Background Applications: None
Description of Original Problem:
While browsing with the latest version of Firefox 120.0.1 some letters disappear or get displaced and eventually show again properly. It happens on all areas (tabs, bookmarks toolbar, etc.) of Firefox which contain text.
I installed the latest AMD Adrenaline drivers 23.12.1 via AMD Auto-Detect and Install tool on Windows 11 with all latest updates. Also, I updated the BIOS of my MSI Tomahawk B650 motherboard to the latest version.
I removed the drivers with the AMD Cleanup Utility. Then tried to reproduce it without AMD specific drivers. Only the CPU was used for Firefox rendering and I couldn't reproduce the issue. Then I used the AMD Software Adrenaline Edition 23.12.1 Minimal Setup installer. I tried both Minimal and Drivers only which resulted in the described errors.
Had several stress tests playing multiple FullHD videos on Youtube at the same time, browsing and running a browser benchmark. GPU temperature and load was totally fine during all the time. It didn't happen during the stress test, but a bit later after I closed most of the browser windows and tabs.
It doesn't happen when I disable hardware acceleration on Firefox. So far I only experienced it in Firefox.
Some examples attached here:
Did you experience anything similar?
I used Ubuntu 22.04.03 bootable from USB with latest Firefox and was able to reproduce the same issues.
Further troubleshooting:
What's a good way to find out if a iGPU is faulty?
APU doesn't have built in vRAM so those errors concerns your System RAM. So not sure how reliable that OCCT test would be concerning vRAM from a IGPU. I believe that test is made to test vRAM of a GPU card.
So I would first run MEMTEST 86 to make sure you have no defective RAM that is going bad. Otherwise it could indicate a defective APU.
but since another User was able to replicate the same issue on Ubuntu USB Flash drive using FF then it might be an issue with Firefox and AMD Driver.
I would open a AMD SUPPORT Ticket and ask them their thought from here:
Thanks for your response and ideas. The other User is also me. 🙂
I ran MEMTEST 86 for more than 3 hours without any issues. Also several other benchmarks without any visual glitches or problems. Just afraid that the GPU is really defective and it's just the tip of the iceberg I can see currently.
I opened a support case at AMD and filed a bug report at Mozilla.
If you get an answer from AMD Support can you post it for others to see what they suggest?
Good idea to let Mozilla know also to see if they can replicate your issue. If it is a wide spread issue than most likely it is a FireFox issue. If it just a tiny amount of Users than it probably could be something in the User's PC that is in conflict or computer issue.
NOTE: Rereading your previous reply about disabling FF GPU Hardware Acceleration I also started to have issue with my Nvidia GPU card. While looking at Youtube, as an example, my GPU would lose its video output. It would happen within minutes each time. Each time I needed to do a Hard Reboot to get video again. I kept checking Event Viewer and found a huge amount of errors but eventually I decided to disable Hardware Acceleration in Firefox and I haven't had my GPU crash on me yet.
I still have it disabled so it might be a Firefox update that is causing problems with certain GPUs.
This is the first time I have had any type of issue with Hardware Acceleration since I purchased my GPU card. I was beginning to wonder if my GPU card was damaged.
Unfortunately, the AMD support's suggestions didn't help. They responded very quickly though.
AMD support suggested the following in the first response:
To eliminate the possibility of hardware potential issue with your integrated graphics card I would suggest you to please test your system with discrete graphics card if your system has.
Also please install previous GPU driver version 23.10.2 for your integrated graphics card and check the issue status:
If you still experience same issue then please let us know the exact make & model of your all monitor and how you have connected your monitor to your system?
Are you using any display adapter/converter to connect your monitor?
After it didn't help anything they responded:
1. Please perform load default settings of your bios and make sure that you are running your system at stock.
2. Please perform the clean boot of your OS.
3. Please make sure that you have install latest chipset driver version in your system.
4. Please install and run AMD cleanup utility to remove the previous GPU driver from your system and install latest GPU driver version 23.12.1 in your system.
If you still experience same issue, then please try to connect your monitor using display port and check you are experiencing same issue or not?
My bug report at Mozilla for anyone who is interested:
I played a bit with the global graphics settings in Adrenaline software and found out that changing some of the default settings have an effect on the issue.
These settings are:
Radeon Anti-Lag (default: off, changed to on)
Radeon Enhanced-Sync (default: off, changed to on)
OpenGL Triple Buffering (default: off, changed to on)
Tessalation Mode (default: AMD optimized, changed to Use application settings)
Can anyone else confirm this?
I am also facing the same issue now how i can solve it,
That's interesting!
Could you add your hardware specs here, please?
That's interesting!
Could you add your hardware specs here, please?
Thanks for your response, i got the answer from a blog on google and fixed the issue.
Best wishes 🥰
What's the fix in your case?
It would be still interesting to know which CPU and GPU you have.
katrrd, would be great to get some details about your CPU and GPU.
I'm using the latest drivers 24.1.1 and the issue is still there.
I no longer think that it is a Firefox bug, because I'm having rendering glitches in Microsoft Word, VSCode and Figma.
More people on Reddit and Firefox bug tracker reported to have the same issue with 7600 and 7800x3d iGPUs.
When will this issue be fixed, AMD?
Hi to all,
I can confirm the issues.
Platform is Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS; Hardware is the Ryzen 5 7600x iGPU.
With any recent AMD driver Firefox gets rendered so blurry it's absolutely unusable.
The "fix" which worked for me:
I browsed to AMDs repo
First I uninstalled the recent version by "sudo amdgpu-uninstall && sudo apt-get remove amdgpu-install --purge"
Then I've choosen some older versions from the above repo and checked for a working one by "trial and error".
To avoid an unnecessary long run of the installer run "sudo apt-get install ./Downloads/amdgpu-install_5.%yourversionhere%.deb && sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=graphics"
The "--usecase=graphics" will only install the bare driver and skip the ROCm stuff, which isn't used anyway.
For me the latest working installer is version 5.5 which installs 23.10.2 from 28th July 2023.
This is the last one, which works for me when using Firefox.
Try yourself an find the driver to your like.
@amd: your driver has issues for more than half a year and you still didn't fix it - shame on you !
I' am already thinking of buying a discrete NV GPU ... 😛
Best regards
Thanks for confirming the issue.
I don't dare to click "Accept as solution" even thouht it might be more a workaround than a solution to use an outdated driver. Nevertheless it's an interesting find. Maybe it could be helpful for AMD to fix this issue.
Another case here. Very similar issues.
Strange characters replacing text. Text randomly offset or missing entirely. Text appearing and then disappearing, sometimes when scrolling or clicking somewhere on a page, other times when simply moving the mouse. Often returns to normal for a particular region of a page when selecting a line of text, but not always. Web elements occasionally change colour.
My computer is a new build so I haven't had much of a chance to test many other programs to see if it happens elsewhere. So far it is only in Firefox with hardware acceleration turned on.
CPU: Ryzen 5 7600
GPU: None (sent away for warranty)
RAM: Silicon Power XPOWER Zenith Gaming 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30
OS: Windows 10
GPU Drivers: Adrenalin 24.5.1
Chipset Drivers:
I am so glad I found this topic.
For me, this has been going on for YEARS with 2 different computers and 3 different operating systems.
All with correctly supported hardware, memory modules included.
First on my old X4 black edition something something (I cant remember the exact model) since forever ago on windows 10 (and IIRC before that on win7, or maybe hw accel was not available for that, it is very long ago). Letters are scrambled EXACTLY like in OP:s pictures. So turned off hw accel.
Then after that, I had an 8core FX something something (less relevant, the point is the EXACT same bug is present) and had to disable hw accel to be able to read letters.
Got a new computer recently, now using AMD Ryzen 9 7900X, installed win 11, installed firefox, same thing, scrambled fonts.
I then switched to linux, landed on Arch, installed firefox, SAME THING, scrambled letters.
And yes, hw accel works just fine on the system otherwise, ALL diagnostic tools returns no errors or problems at all.
I use reverse prime so all my rendering is happening on my CPU unless I choose otherwise.
So this is something that has been going on over generations of AMD cpu:s AND multiple operating systems.
I like most others obv suspected this to be a firefox thing, but the longer it goes, the more I believe AMD to be the culprit.
REALLY fkn sux that I can not use HW accel and that AMD would not adress something like this.
For more than 10 years of browsing usage, never hw accleration. I guess it shows how much AMD cares about user AND climate.
I have been having this exact same issue since I built my computer 2 weeks ago with Firefox 130.0 in Arch while using both i3wm (X11) and Sway (Wayland) with AMD drivers (mesa package). Also tested with Debian Live CD and on a fresh install of Windows 11 23H2, first with the video drivers it includes and then with AMD Adrenaline drivers.
This problem also persists with Firefox compiled by myself, flatpak versions and all the other browsers based on Firefox I tested (firefox-nightly, TOR Browser, LibreWolf, IceCat). Reinstalling fonts and cleaning font cache doesnt work either.
On all of them the issue is the exact same OP described, and after disabling hardware acceleration it goes away.
On my laptop with an i7 6600HQ this does not happen in any OS, driver version or display server.
CPU: Ryzen 7 7700X
GPU: none (iGPU)
Mobo: Gigabyte X670 Aorus Elite AX
RAM: Crucial Pro Overclock 32 GB (2x16) DDR5-6000
Thanks for confirming this issue. AMD still didn't fix it after more than 10 months when I initially reported it.
I'ive just reached out again to the customer support to see what solution they can offer in terms of replacement. I'll share the response here.
Thank you so much, the silence from AMD is royally pissing me off.
This has been going on for YEARS, not months (read my comment above).
That's really insane!
Unfortunately, they just responded with the same protocol as usual...
If all this doesn't work, and I'm quite sure it won't work, then they believe that the iGPU is faulty. They ask me to fill out the waranty form and send over the CPU. So how do they imagine I could use my computer in the meantime without a CPU???
While searching the internet for my graphics problem I found this thread and it's exactly my problem. I have very similar setup. I started with Windows 11 (because I thought the new PC would be a good option for the Windows update from 10 to 11), after experiencing graphics problems, I went back to Windows 10, but quickly realized that the same problems exists with Windows 10. So now I'm still on Windows 10.
Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: none (only iGPU)
CPU: RYZEN 7 7700
Motherboard: MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk WIFI
BIOS Version: 7D75v1K (Release Date 2024-10-15)
RAM: 64GB (2x 32GB G.Skill Ripjaws S5)
PSU: be quiet! Pure Power 12 M 550W
Operating System & Version: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2 (Build 19044.5011), Windows 11
GPU Drivers: AMD Adrenaline 24.10.1 (Windows 10)
Chipset Drivers: AMD Chipset (Windows 10)
Background Applications: None
So far, I have primarily experienced problems with Firefox and Thunderbird. However, due to these problems, I have not yet fully migrated to the new system and have not yet tested some other applications.
Here are some examples of the issue with "rendered text" at different places, like websites in Firefox and toolbar/tabbar in Thunderbird:
Update from my side.
Nothing has really changed, still unable to use hw accel in Firefox.
What user cnuxpy shows in pictures above is exactly what happens to me as well.
For linux users, how do you experience running for example Obsidian, that uses hw accel and relying on electron?
For me, tt kinda works, at least "better", but there are small glitches sometimes and you hear the cpu start spiraling (fans on my ryzen9 starts spinning full speed) for a few seconds.
I experience similar behavior in steam (on arch using meta package, not native-runtime or flatpak), especially if "browsing" a forum (I think the steam browser is cromium based, but could be wrong)
Since AMD clearly do not care, we users have to find out every single little thing and scream about it.
One would imagine they would be interested since it spans over generations of cpu:s and on multiple platforms (windows and linux).
Maybe all they manage to focus on is AI development or smthn...
(if you can't tell, I'm beyond pissed)
I'm using Arch Linux and facing same problems in Firefox (and even gnome terminal).
I try to install AMDGPU Pro OpenGL and OpenCL drivers. All things are normal now. So I'm now petty sure it's a software issue, no relation to hardware.
I may have found a solution to this problem.
In my case rendering issues in Firefox appear when I have RTX 4070 installed in my PC, but use 7800X3D iGPU for video output. (I do some AI training occasionally and switch to iGPU to not waste VRAM). There are no problems if I remove RTX 4070 from computer. I also don't have rendering issues in any other program I use, even when with installed GPU.
Potential Solution:
I downloaded AMD Ryzen Master and tried values in "GFX CO Value" setting in "Curve Optimizer" tab. (It changes voltage offset for IGPU)
I used to test different values. This setting is applied without reboot, so it is easy to see the difference.
- With default value (0), when i start to move mouse on this site, within few second letters start disappearing and some artifacts appear.
- Increasing it even by 1-2 considerably decreased amount of rendering issues.
- Setting it to 5 appears to have fully solved this problem for me, I've been using my PC almost for a whole day at this point and haven't noticed any rendering issues.
In case this doesn't help, you can try the following:
1. Before finding this solution i had in about:config in Firefox set to "true". With this setting videos are still hardware accelerated, but CPU is used for some site rendering. Tradeoff is that animations on some sites feel laggy
2. If you are using iGPU and dedicated GPU you can force Windows to use dedicated GPU for Firefox in Settings - System - Display - Graphics