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Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Radeon Driver Software 21.2.2 Strange RPM display?

I recently got a new power supply, and I've been keeping an eye on my CPU temperature because it sounds like my computer is doing some heavy breathing with some moderate tasks. The temperature is fine and even stays at about 40C in my games. However I noticed the Fan Speed lists 700,000+ RPM.... I think that is incorrect. There is no tuning on for the fan, and in that section it lists it at 25%.

Also, I can't seem to check for updates as it continuously fails. I have a hard time understanding drivers, is there a new version I should install? I'm on Windows 7 with a Radeon R7 200 series GPU, so I don't know if any newer software upgrades are still compatible or even necessary. (EDIT: Just checked again and I see they were moved to a "Legacy" section. However the links on the pages keep sending me in a loop without ever showing me the corresponding legacy driver I need. However this seems to be working fine for me regardless despite the RPM reading.)

My fan doesn't sound like its spinning THAT absurdly, and the RPM doesn't change very much between when the fan is spinning faster VS when I'm idle. I think it may just be an incorrect display and my fans are fine, but if anyone has an explaination I'd appreciate it lol. (Not that I can really differentiate the sound of the 2 case fans and 3 other device fans from eachother.)

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