My son's PC Radeon drivers have stopped working about 2 or 3 weeks ago. He first reported his games were lagging very badly. I'm on the PC now and when trying to open the Radeon Settings app I get the attached error message. Device manager confirms the drivers are not working. RX 570 on Windows 10
I've tried :-
None of them have helped, exactly the same problem each time. Any suggestions please, I'm struggling to know what to try next?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Could your son have modified the unique signed GPU BIOS to improve performance? Patch the driver with atikmdag patcher and try to start the driver.
Dear mstfbsrn - thank you so much for your response. Using the atikmdag patcher worked a treat. I'm sorry I didn't trust you to begin with as I did find a couple of sites with mirrors of the patcher tool which contained malware. However, after finding a clean copy, the tool resolved the problem immediately.
We've no idea what caused the problem, but the tool definitely fixed it.
Best wishes,
Update: Just installed 19.9.1 over the top (not with full uninstall first) - still no joy! 😞
Could your son have modified the unique signed GPU BIOS to improve performance? Patch the driver with atikmdag patcher and try to start the driver.
Dear mstfbsrn - thank you so much for your response. Using the atikmdag patcher worked a treat. I'm sorry I didn't trust you to begin with as I did find a couple of sites with mirrors of the patcher tool which contained malware. However, after finding a clean copy, the tool resolved the problem immediately.
We've no idea what caused the problem, but the tool definitely fixed it.
Best wishes,
Link above still works, but current version of the patcher tool is 1.4.9. I've not tested this version for either malware or effectiveness. My Son's PC keeps experiencing this same problem periodically. Presumably AMD driver auto-updates trigger the problem to occur again, but we've not proved that. However, re-installation of the patch tool each time the problem re-occurs fixes it again for about 4 months until it happens again.