How long is it going to take AMD to fix Radeon Chill Hotkey assign in Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI?
Assigning the Chill Hotkey from F11 to Alt + w, for example, does not work.

I understand that whoever designed this terrible GUI/UI has no concept of ergonomics at all.
However, can they at least fix the hook from the GUI/UI into the driver software so that something other than F11 can be used to toggle Chill on or off whilst gaming.
Having to distract from gameplay to find and hit F11 to turn Chill on or off is a game losing feature.
Alt+w, if you are using WASD keys anyhow, is much more ergonomic and easy to apply.
I reported the Chill Hotkey assignment is broken ever since Adrenalin 2020 GUI/UI 19.12.2.
It should be easy to fix.
It works o.k. in Adrenalin 19.12.1 GUI/UI and 19.12.1 drivers.